The goal of this project was to capitalize the investments made and the positive results obtained in the area by previous cooperation projects in which drought resistant species (mainly Atriplex nummularia and Opuntia ficusindica) were used in order to mitigate desertification processes and to improve range lands productivity. Through the direct involvement of local stakeholder, women, young people, and Moroccan people living in Sardinia, as possible new actors of development processes, PROAGRO aims to create new income generating activities through recovering of the agronomic value of local degraded grasslands and favouring the diverisification of production and sources of income.

Title and acronym: Valorisation of agro pastoral production in M'nahaba (Marrakesh Wilaya- Morocco) rural community through requalification of degraded grasslands and knowledge exchange between Sardinian and Moroccan stakeholders - PROAGRO

Dates: from October 2011 to September 2012

Location: M'Nahba, Wylaia, Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz

Source of Funding: Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, Regional law n°19 (11 April 1996)

Role of NRD: partner

Scientific responsible: Prof. G. Enne

NRD members and staff involved: Dott. M. Lubino, Prof. M. Mulas