LR 19-TANZANIA (CLOSED) The project aimed at encouraging the birth of sustainable infrastructures for water distribution and waste water management, improve governance of water resources through financial and technical support in the Ngarenayuki e Oldonyosambu Wards (Tanzania). By adopting a local scale approach, infrastructures will be created able to satisfy water needs for human uses, livestock watering and agriculture (cultivation of small pieces of land). Among the specific objectives, a bore-hole will be built, an already existing dam will be restored and the executive planning for a weir will be executed for the creation of a small lake. Training activities will also be developed to transfer knowledge to the local populations and to raise awareness on the sustainable and compatible use of water.Title and acronym: Integrated water project to improve the socio-economic conditions of rural communities in the Ngarenanyuki and Oldonyosambu Wards (Tanzania)Dates: from February 2008 to July 2009Location: TanzaniaSource of Funding: Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, Regional law n°19 (11 April 1996)Role of NRD: coordinatorScientific responsible: Prof. G. GhiglieriNRD members and staff involved: Dr. A. Carletti, Dott. D. Pittalis, Prof. Oggiano, Dr. Roberta LobinaKeywords: groundwater, access to water, dry environment, fluoride, Tanzania PARTNERS Dipartimento Ingegneria del Territorio-Università di Cagliari (Italy) Assessorato all'Ambiente, Ecologia, Verde Pubblico, Parchi e Giardini del Comune di Sassari (Italy) Oikos East-Africa (Tanzania) Arumeru District Council (Tanzania) Naviga la sezione JEF - Energy Facility (CLOSED) PERU GO BENIN (CLOSED) WADIS-MAR GHAJA [CLOSED] LR 19-TANZANIA (CLOSED) MAJI (CLOSED) MAURITANIA (CLOSED) PROAGRO (CLOSED) RIPDES (CLOSED) SMAP II (CLOSED) SMAP III (CLOSED) TANZANIA (CLOSED)