The project aimed at improving water availability, for both human uses and livestock watering, in Uwiro Village, Tanzania. Among the results are i) Furniture of a minimum of 20 lt per day/person of water for Kimosonu sub-village inhabitants (value calculated on the basis of a population projection for year 2025 - 2.826 people, with an increasing rate of 2,79%), and ii) Watering possibility for about 2300 livestock animals per day (cattle, camels, goats, sheep, donkeys) in Mkuru area.

Title and acronym: Water masterplan for the wards of Ngarenanyuki and Oldonyosambu (Arumeru district) - Tanzania

Dates: from December 2006 to February 2008

Location: Tanzania

Role of NRD: coordinator

Scientific responsible: Prof. G. Ghiglieri

NRD members and staff involved: Prof. Oggiano

Keywords: groundwater, access to water, dry environment, fluoride, Tanzania