External Programme and Opportunities The University of Sassari promotes the participation of staff and students in external calls and programmes having an international scope.There are various international opportunities available, launched by consortia, programmes such as those promoted by the Fulbright Foundation and Università Italo-franceseUniversity, and initiatives developed in collaboration with public bodies, such as the CRUI-MAECI Traineeship Programme.Information on the relevant calls for applications is published both through the International section and through the University's social profiles. COMMO-UNIMED Consortium NHEI – Mine Vaganti Consortium Green_Train Consortium 2021-27 Fulbright Programme CRUI-MAECI Traineeship Programme Università Italo-francese Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters grants Programmi Visiting Professor presso partner esteri Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB, Portugal) Naviga la sezione Incoming mobility Outgoing mobility Calls & Grants Plan your next international mobility Erasmus + International Relations Projects External Programs and Opportunities Green_Train Consortium 2021-27