NHEI Consortium – Mine Vaganti

Mobility for traineeship

 Consorzio NHEI Mine Vaganti

The Mine Vaganti NGO association has been running the NHEI 'National Higher Education Consortium' inter-university consortium since 2015, within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.

The University of Sassari, being a partner of the Consortium, annually reserves grants for its members to finance post-lauream traineeships.

For application procedures and admission requirements, please read the relevant notices carefully.


The calls for staff mobility for teaching and for training are now available. The two calls for applications will run from February 1-29, 2024. Find the links to the notices below:

Mobility for traineeship

The new call for post-lauream traineeships is now online. The mobility period must be completed by July 31, 2024.

Applications may be submitted until April 19, 2024, as described by the call.