Université Franco Italienne L'Università Italo Francese/ Université Franco Italienne (UIF/UFI) is an institution created following an Intergovernmental Agreement signed in Florence on 6 October 1998.On the Italian side, the Agreement was approved by the Italian Parliament through Law no. 161 of 26 May 2000 and ratified by the President of the Republic.On the French side, the Agreement was the subject of Presidential Decree no. 2001-1267 of 20 December 2001. The headquarters of the Italian Secretariat is located at Università degli Studi di Torino while the Frenxh headquarters are hosted by Université Grenoble Alpes. UIF Calls for Grants Avvisi Call for the 1st UIF Scientific Label 2024 for Italian-French initiatives of great cultural and scientific interest which will take place between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025, more information at this linkCall for co-supervised theses 2024 addressed to PhDs who are beneficiaries of the contribution cap. II or cap. III of the Vinci call and who have discussed their thesis in Italian-French cotutela between 2 February 2022 and 5 April 2024, more information at this linkBoth calls will remain open for online applications until 5 April at 12 noon Rome time. Galleria Infoday 2023 Avvisi Bando Galileo 2025Siamo lieti di informarvi che l'Università Italo Francese ha pubblicato un nuovo bando Bando Galileo 2025 (progetti di ricerca congiunti tra 01/01/2025-31/ dicembre 2026, favorendo la mobilità dei ricercatori tra i due Paesi. Per il bando Galileo 2024, l’importo dei finanziamenti è stato di € 6.250. Maggiori informazioni a questo link. I bandi rimarranno entrambi aperti alle candidature online fino al 21 maggio p.v. alle 24.00 - mezzanotte - ora di Roma.