Remote Support Download TeamViewer Installation (last version) Service Features Through this service, users can request remote support, allowing a Systems Office collaborator to establish a connection with the user's workstation and operate as if physically present.Usage Limitations:This service is not intended as a call center service; it should be activated based on explicit instructions from a Systems Office collaborator.It is active and useful only for issues related to the services provided by the Systems Office and specific to the user's workstation.Service Eligibility:The service is available for all employees, in various capacities, of the University of Sassari and external collaborators experiencing problems on their user workstations related to services provided by the Systems Office.Instructions for Use: For a Systems Office collaborator to establish a connection with the user's workstation, it is necessary to:Have remote control software, such as TeamViewer, installed on the user's workstation.Communicate the "ID number" and "password" of the connection displayed on the remote control software screen to the Systems Office collaborator. Naviga la sezione Remote Support CRUI - Microsoft Agreement Information and Instructions Available Software for University Computer Workstations