Information and Instructions Beware of Phishing Phishing is a form of computer fraud, carried out through the sending of counterfeit emails, aimed at acquiring, for illegal purposes, confidential data or inducing the victim to perform specific operations that typically involve downloading a particular file or connecting to a specific website.When receiving an email or SMS containing a link, it is always advisable not to proceed with clicking on the web address unless the indicated domain name is verified and trustworthy. Be cautious and do not trust the text displayed as a link. The real link appears when you hover (but do not click) with the mouse over the text.When a domain name is trustworthy To verify if a link is trustworthy, one must identify the end of the string containing the domain name. The domain name is the part of the web address that begins after the characters "//" (or the beginning of the link if not displayed) and ends with the first subsequent "/" (or the end of the string if not displayed). For In this case, the domain name is and ends with The link is reliable because the domain name ends with an address we are certain of. In this version, the https:// suffix is present. In this case as well, for the same reasons as above, the domain name is reliable. In this last case, the link is NOT reliable and is a typical phishing scenario, in which the author of the cyberattack impersonates a verified entity. Indeed, the string (inserted to deceive the user victim of the attack) is not found in the final part of the corresponding domain name.Verify the transmission protocol The transmission protocol is indicated in the initial part of the link, before the characters "//". Ensure that it corresponds to the string "https," which identifies an encrypted transmission protocol, in which the conveyed information is visible in plain text only to the end user.For more information, consult the AGID guide on what phishing is and how to avoid it: Phishing, cos'è e come evitarlo (guida AGID) Naviga la sezione Remote Support CRUI - Microsoft Agreement Information and Instructions Available Software for University Computer Workstations