Job placement

The Uniss job placement service

jobplacement uniss

University services carry out orientation and support activities for students throughout their university career: upon entry, during studies and upon exit, accompanying the graduate towards the world of work. The placement focuses on this last phase of transit of the graduate from the University to the job market, with the aim of reducing entry times and bringing about the meeting between supply and demand by trying to reconcile the requests coming from companies with the professional profiles of the graduate.

Who the service is aimed at: Graduates from the University of Sassari looking for a first job, professional retraining and/or looking for new job opportunities; to the unemployed and the unemployed who intend to enter or re-enter the world of work; to companies that are looking for and want to make use of specific professionals to be included in various capacities within their staff.

The services offered by the office: Support in compiling and evaluating CVs and cover letters; professional orientation meetings, both individual and group; graduate database management; assistance in developing a professional project; preparation for job interviews; organization of recruiting events; support for companies in using placement services; analysis of the company's needs for the definition and choice of the most suitable professional profiles.

Job offers and internships

The Third Mission and Territory Office - Placement Service provides a public showcase to the Structures interested in publishing an internship and/or job proposal who can send an email to with the form attached of proposal containing all the information necessary to allow interested parties to send their application.

Discover the internship proposals promoted and managed by the Third Mission and Territory Office - Placement Service and other job or collaboration offers reported by external parties.