Specific Learning Disorders - SLD Dear student,The University of Sassari is conducting an analysis on students with documented or suspected learning disorders, such as dyslexia, dysorthographia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia, collectively referred to as Specific Learning Disorders (SLD).Even as adults, it's possible to struggle with reading, comprehending text, or easily forgetting what has been read. Sometimes, these difficulties may indicate the presence of undiagnosed SLDs. Besides affecting academic performance, SLDs can have negative implications on self-esteem and overall emotional and social functioning.If you have (or suspect you have) one of these disorders and wish to explore further, below you'll find information that may be helpful. Why is it crucial to ascertain and declare your SLD status? Because, thanks to Law 170 of 2010 protecting students with SLD, the student with these disorders can benefit from a series of educational support tools. Because the University aims to improve the quality of aids and compensations, along with didactic strategies that can support you in your academic path from the selection process for access to courses. Because, if from this observational analysis students with SLD were to result in large numbers, the MIUR will provide us with additional funding that we will use to specifically improve teacher training and therefore the academic performance of students. With obvious benefits for all. What can you do if you need to enroll at the University of Sassari? If you suspect you have a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) and are about to take an admission or orientation test for the degree courses at the University of Sassari, we recommend you to take the SLD Assessment Test for Adults. The brief questionnaire that follows is a simple screening tool that does not lead to a diagnosis but can identify some difficulties. In case of a subsequent diagnosis of SLD, you can regularly declare your status, in accordance with what is indicated in the relevant Call for Applications, during the registration process for the test you are about to take part in. By doing so, you will have access, already during the admission or orientation test phase, to compensatory and personalized support tools provided for by current legislation.If you have a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) and possess a valid certification and wish to use compensatory or dispensatory tools during admission or orientation tests. if you already know you have a certified and valid SLD and have not yet communicated it to the University, you will need to declare your status, in accordance with what is indicated in the relevant Call for Applications, during the registration process for the test you are about to take part in. By doing so, you will have access, already during the admission or orientation test phase, to the aids granted by law.If you have a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) with an expired certification but wish to use compensatory or dispensatory tools during admission or orientation tests, the University of Sassari considers SLD certificates valid if issued by competent structures no more than 3 (THREE) years ago. If you already have a diagnosis of SLD but your certificate has expired or is issued by non-accredited structures with the National Health System and you cannot access the aids granted by law, you will need to renew the certificate. Once you have a valid certification, you will need to declare your status, in accordance with what is indicated in the relevant Call for Applications, during the registration process for the test you are about to take part in. By doing so, you will have access, already during the admission or orientation test phase, to the aids granted by law. What can you do if you are already a student at the University of Sassari? If you suspect you have a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) and are already enrolled in one of the Degree Courses at the University of SassariYou can take the Adult Specific Learning Disorder Assessment test. The brief questionnaire that follows is a simple screening tool that does not lead to a diagnosis but may identify some difficulties. If you receive a subsequent diagnosis of SLD, you will need to upload the SLD certificate to your reserved area of "Self-Studenti" and contact the Disability and Learning Disorders Referee of the Department you belong to. You will then be able to access compensatory tools and support for taking exams, as provided by current regulations.If you are already enrolled in one of the Degree Courses at the University of Sassari, have a valid SLD certificate that you have not previously declared to the Offices, and wish to start benefiting from the provisions of Law 170/2010, you will need to upload the SLD certificate to your reserved area of "Self-Studenti" and contact the Disability and Learning Disorders Referee of the Department you belong to. You will then be able to access the aids provided by law (Rector's Delegate for Disabilities and SLD and MIUR guidelines).If you are already enrolled in one of the Degree Courses at the University of Sassari, have an invalid SLD certificate, but want to start benefiting from the provisions of Law 170/2010 the University of Sassari considers SLD certificates valid if issued by competent institutions no more than 3 (three) years ago. If you already have an SLD diagnosis, but your certificate has expired or is issued by non-accredited institutions with the National Health Service and you cannot access the aids provided by law, you will need to renew the certificate. Once you have a valid certification, after contacting the Disability and Learning Disorders Referee of the Department you belong to, you can access the aids provided by law.Detailed information can be found by consulting Law 170/10 and the MIUR guidelines for the right to education of pupils and students with specific learning disorders, particularly point 6.7 - Universities and the Implementing Decree of MIUR no. 5669 of 12.7.2011. Naviga la sezione Specific Learning Disorders - SLD University committee Department contacts Linee guida CNUDD - BES Protocolli per docenti e studenti Sportello SES con tutor dedicato Facilities and services Newsletter Fondazione ASPHI scholarships for disability Assessment test Test di valutazione dei DSA Legislation Legge 8 ottobre 2010 , n. 170 Decreto attuativo MIUR Guidelines Linee guida del MIUR sui DSA Linee guida sui DSA per i docenti Per saperne di più