Department contacts Each department of the University has appointed a contact person for issues concerning disabled students and those with learning disabilities (SLD).These contacts serve as a reference point for students to resolve any issues related to their academic studies, the physical and organizational structures they attend, and they also serve as an essential communication channel between students facing difficulties and the competent structures within the University. The contact persons Department of AgricultureGiacomo | +39 079229286Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningAntonello Monsù | 331 1715625Department of Chemical, Physical, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesAntonio | +39 079229493Department of LawFranca | +39 079228900Department of Veterinary MedicineMaria Vittoria | +39 079229519Department of Biomedical SciencesAntonella | +39 0792644316Department of Economic and Business SciencesDaniele | +39 079213024Department of Medicine, Surgery, and PharmacyStefano | +39 079229322-3-4-5Department of History, Human Sciences, and EducationGiuseppe Filippo | 347 5985861Department of Humanities and Social SciencesMassimo Dell’ | 079229696 Naviga la sezione Specific Learning Disorders - SLD University committee Department contacts Linee guida CNUDD - BES Protocolli per docenti e studenti Sportello SES con tutor dedicato Facilities and services Newsletter Fondazione ASPHI scholarships for disability Departments Pages dedicated to students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) on the department websites.Dipartimento di AgrariaDipartimento di Architettura, design e urbanisticaDipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Fisiche, Matematiche e NaturaliDipartimento di GiurisprudenzaDipartimento di Medicina veterinariaDipartimento di Scienze biomedicheDipartimento di Scienze economiche e aziendaliDipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e FarmaciaDipartimento di Scienze umanistiche e socialiDipartimento di Storia, scienze dell’uomo e della formazione