Title achievement Fulfilments and deadlines for obtaining the title Candidates must submit their applications exclusively via the online procedure. The online procedure will be available only after the convocation for the final examination. At the same time, candidates will be notified of the relevant fulfilments and deadlines.There is no identical deadline for all PhD students: it depends on the date of the final examination. The deadline by which to submit the thesis will be communicated to each candidate together with the convocation of the final examination.It is hereby specified that for PhD students, an anti-plagiarism check of the thesis is compulsory. Two types of check are required: a provisional check to be carried out before the thesis is sent to the external evaluators; the second, final, check to be carried out once both positive opinions have been received from the evaluators and before the thesis is officially filed. Anti-plagiarism checks must be carried out in collaboration with the Tutor, following the procedures described in the tutorials below. Diagram of procedure Tutorial for Lecturers Tutorial for PhD Students Naviga la sezione How to... Title achievement Foreign PhD students - FAQ How to request a one-year extension