Title achievement - Anti-plagiarism Fulfilments and deadlines for obtaining the title Obligations and deadlinesThe University of Sassari accompanies its PhD students all the way to obtaining their PhD degree. This section describes the steps and fulfilments required to complete the course.1. Requirements for admission to the final examinationTo be admitted to the final examination, Doctoral candidates must:Have completed the training and research pathway envisaged in the three-year period;Have reached the minimum threshold of scientific products established by their own Doctorate Course;Submit a final report to the Board (or to the College, if the PhD Course does not have a Board), summarising the activities and results achieved during the course.2. Presentation of the thesisThe Doctoral thesis must be an original paper, written in Italian, English or another language (subject to authorisation by the Collegio), and accompanied by a summary in English. Before official submission, it is mandatoryCarry out two anti-plagiarism verifications in collaboration with the Supervisor:Provisional verification before sending the thesis to external evaluators. Provisional verifications may be carried out more than once if necessary.Final verification after receiving the positive opinions of the assessors. Only possible once.Ensure that the thesis, which may include scientific publications, complies with editorial standards and includes any authorisations from publishers.Two tutorials are available in the menu on the right: one for PhD students and one for supervisors.3. Procedures and deadlinesDoctoral candidates must submit their applications exclusively via the computerised procedure, which can be accessed after receiving the call for the final examination from the Higher Education Office. Each candidate will receive personalised indications regarding deadlines, which depend on the date of his/her final examination.It is also compulsory to fill in a satisfaction questionnaire in order to complete the qualification procedure. The questionnaire will be filled in by accessing the aforementioned computer procedure.4. Preliminary assessmentThe thesis is submitted to two assessors from outside the University, who will provide:An analytical written judgement;Indications for admission to the public discussion or, if necessary, corrections to be made (within six months).5. Deposit and certificationBefore the title is awarded, the candidate must:Deposit the thesis in the manner communicated by the Higher Education Office.May request embargo of the thesis for a maximum of 36 months.6. Public discussionThe final examination consists of a public discussion of the thesis before a panel of at least three qualified members. During the discussion, the candidate will present the results of the research and answer questions from the commissioners.7. Final outcomeAt the end of the discussion, the committee:Approves or rejects the thesis with specific reasons;May award honours in the case of particularly outstanding scientific results.The title of Dottore di ricerca (Dott. Ric. or Ph.D.) is awarded by the Rector following a positive assessment and compliance with all the required procedures.For further details, consult the University Regulation on PhD Courses or contact the Ufficio Alta Formazione of the University of Sassari. Naviga la sezione How to... Title achievement Foreign PhD students - FAQ How to request a one-year extension Title achievement - diagram of procedure Title achievement - Tutorial Self Studenti Anti-plagiarism check - Tutorial for Lecturers Anti-plagiarism check - Tutorial for PhD Students Anti-plagiarism check