Types of educational pathways and related CFUs/CFA 60 CFU PathwayThe following individuals are eligible to enroll in the pathway to obtain 60 CFUs:- Those who possess a master's degree or a single-cycle master's degree consistent with the teaching competition classes.- Those who are enrolled in a master's degree program consistent with the teaching competition classes.- Those who are enrolled in a single-cycle master's degree program consistent with the teaching competition classes, provided they have acquired at least 180 CFUs from those prescribed in their educational pathway. 30 and 36 CFU Pathways1. 30 CFU Enabling Educational Pathway (Appendix 2 DPCM)It is aimed at:- Competition winners who are not qualified and have participated in the competition procedure according to Article 5, paragraph 4, of D.Lgs. n. 59/17, as they possess the entry qualification for the specific class of competition and have three years of service, even non-consecutive, accrued over the last five years in state educational institutions, with at least one year in the specific class of competition.- Those who possess the entry qualification for the specific class of competition and have three years of service, even non-consecutive, accrued over the last five years in state educational institutions or equivalent private schools, with at least one year in the specific class of competition.- Those who have taken the competition test for the "extraordinary bis" competition. 2. Transitional 30 CFU Educational Pathway for those who meet the admission requirements for a competition class (Appendix 3 DPCM)It is aimed at those who solely possess the necessary educational qualification for the competition class.To participate in competitive procedures announced by December 31, 2024, they must acquire 30 CFUs through this pathway, which concludes by February 28, 2024. If they win the competition, they must complete the 60 CFU pathway as outlined in the subsequent point 3. 3. 30 CFU Educational Pathway to complete the 60 CFU pathway (Appendix 4 DPCM)(With note 21238/2023, the MUR indicated that the 30 CFU pathways (Annex 4 of the DPCM of August 4, 2023) will be activated starting from the academic year 2024/2025)It is aimed at competition winners who participated without being already qualified, namely:- Those who, possessing the entry qualification, have acquired the 30 CFUs through the pathway outlined in the previous point 2. 4. 36 CFU Educational Pathway to complete the 60 CFU pathway (Appendix 5 DPCM)(With note 21238/2023, the MUR indicated that the 36 CFU pathways (Annex 5 of the DPCM of August 4, 2023) will be activated starting from the academic year 2024/2025)It is aimed at competition winners announced by December 31, 2024, who participated without being already qualified, namely:- Those who, possessing the entry qualification, have obtained 24 CFUs in anthropo-psychopedagogical disciplines and in didactic methodologies and technologies by October 31, 2022. 5. Achievement of additional qualifications (Article 13 DPCM)(Currently, the University of Sassari does not plan to activate them for the academic year 2023/2024).They are aimed at those who already hold qualifications in a competition class or in another level of education, as well as those who hold specialization in support, who can obtain, while maintaining possession of the necessary educational qualification for the competition class, qualification in other competition classes or in other levels of education, through the acquisition of thirty CFUs or CFAs in the initial training pathway within the framework of methodologies and didactic technologies applied to the relevant discipline. Last update: 06 May 2024 Naviga la sezione Educational Offering 2023/2024 General information Regulations Types of pathways