Educational Offering 2023/2024 The University of Sassari, with the Decree of the Minister for University and Research no. 379 of February 7, 2024, has obtained accreditation for the following Pathways:A11 Literary Disciplines and Latin A12 Literary Disciplines in secondary education institutions of II degree A22 Italian, History, and Geography in secondary education of II degree A28 Mathematics and Sciences A50 Natural, Chemical, and Biological Sciences A51 Agricultural Sciences, Technologies, and Techniques AA24 Foreign Languages and Cultures in secondary education institutions of II degree (French) AA25 English Language and a second community language in secondary education of I degree AB24 Foreign Languages and Cultures in secondary education institutions of II degree (English).The types of pathways, the number of available places, the admission procedures, the amount of the registration fee, and the schedule of educational activities can only be defined following the investigative phase by the MUR (Ministry of University and Research) and ANVUR, and the issuance of the ministerial decree activating the pathways for the academic year 2023/2024. Decreto MUR n. 379 del 7 febbraio 2024 Last update: 06 May 2024 Naviga la sezione Educational Offering 2023/2024 General information Regulations Types of pathways