General information The new system for training and access to the role of secondary school teachers has been outlined by DL n. 36/2022, converted into Law 79 of 29/06/2022, which amended Legislative Decree n.59 of April 13 2017 and is structured as follows:- A university and academic pathway for initial qualification- A national public competition- An annual probationary period in service with a final test and final evaluation.Law 79/2022 has established the new Pathway for Initial Training and Qualification for teachers of common subjects in primary and secondary schools, corresponding to no less than 60 CFUs, aimed at developing and verifying in future teachers the cultural, disciplinary, pedagogical, psychopedagogical, didactic, and methodological competencies specific to the profession, as well as the ability to design flexible educational pathways.Subsequently, the DPCM of August 4 2023 (published in the Official Gazette on September 25, 2023) was issued, which defines the university and academic pathway for initial training and qualification of common subject teachers, including technical-practical teachers, of primary and secondary schools, in implementation of articles 2-bis and 2-ter, of art. 13, and of art. 18-bis of the legislative decree D.lgs n. 59/2017.Furthermore, ANVUR Guidelines were issued, defining the process for evaluating the accreditation requirements for these pathways, with the support of the Evaluation Units of universities. Last update: 06 May 2024 Naviga la sezione Educational Offering 2023/2024 General information Regulations Types of pathways