PF24 - 24 CFU educational pathway Reopening of 24 CFU recognitions In compliance with DL 36/2022, which provides for the issuance of 24 CFU certifications for exams that can be recognized if completed by October 31, 2022, a TEMPORARY WINDOW FOR THE RECOGNITION OF 24 CFUs will be opened until 12/31/2024.All students and graduates who have already obtained the 24 CFUs during their university career (by and no later than October 31, 2022) may submit a recognition application; since this is not a PF24 pathway, there are no exams or integrations to rectify any insufficient standings.Those who have CFUs obtained from other universities will need to take action to request, for the purpose of recognition, the certification of the exams taken complete with SSD, CFU, as well as the syllabus of the courses. If the universities do not issue the syllabuses, it is the student's responsibility to independently find them by consulting the university websites, student guides, or by contacting the professor directly.In the absence of these elements, it will not be possible to proceed with the evaluation of the recognition request submitted. It is also reminded that, to proceed with the recognition, the University of Sassari MUST be the last university where the student has earned all or part of the required CFUs. Therefore, applications that involve the acquisition of all the CFUs at other universities cannot be accepted in any way.ONLY STUDENTS WHO HAVE EARNED ALL 24 CFUs BY AND NO LATER THAN 10/31/2022 MAY APPLY.The recognition request must be submitted on a downloadable Excel form and sent to the email address elenco esami riconoscibili modulo richiesta riconoscimenti Last update: 06 May 2024 Naviga la sezione Percorso Universitario e accademico di formazione iniziale e abilitazione dei docenti A.A 2024/2025 Specialization Course for Educational Support Activities for Students with Disabilities - IX Cycle, academic year 2023/2024 University and academic pathway for initial training and qualification of teachers PF24 - 24 CFU educational pathway Reference legislation Specialization Course for Educational Support Activities for Students with Disabilities - VIII Cycle, academic year 2022/2023