Course Units


  • Prehistory and Protohistory of Europe and the Mediterranean - Maria Grazia Melis
  • Phoenician Mediterranean Archaeology - Michele Guirguis
  • Greek history - Giovanni Marginesu
  • Roman history and archaeology:
    Module 1 - Guido Migliorati
    Module 2 - Alessandro Teatini
    Module 3 - Antonio Ibba
  • Latin literature - Antonella Bruzzone
  • Archaeology from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age - Marco Milanese
  • Science and technologies for archaeology - Luigi Magnini
  • Documentary sources of medieval Sardinia - Alessandro Soddu
  • Contemporary history - Alexander Höbel
  • History of the Italian language - Luigi Matt
  • General and inclusion didactics - Filippo Dettori 
  • History of ideas - Sebastiano Ghisu
  • Moral philosophy - Carmelo Meazza


Donald Sassoon (Queen Mary University of London), The war in Ukraine. distant causes and possible future scenarios, 12 April 2022, organised by Fiamma Lussana

Valentine Roux (Prétech UMR 7055 CNRS / Université Paris Nanterre), Invention du façonnage au tour et conditions à sa diffusion, 22 April 2022, organised by Maria Grazia Melis

Ana Maria Niveau de Villedary (University of Cadiz), From Sidon to Oumm el Amed: the 1st Millennium BC in Southern Phoenicia, 23 March 2022, organised by Michele Guirguis

Fabio Pinna (University of Cagliari), From Public Archaeology to ‘Citizen Archaeology’: paths and challenges for citizens' participation in archaeological research, 20 November 2023, organised by Marco Milanese

Iulian Moga (University of Iasi), When Prayer is a Curse: Funerary Imprecations and Prayers for Justice in Anatolia, 14 May 2024, organised by Antonio Ibba

Milena Primavera (University of Salento), Food culture and cultures in food: the information potential of archaeobotanical analysis, 5 November 2024, organised by Maria Grazia Melis

Margherita Mussi (Sapienza University of Rome), Melka Kunture: Prehistory rewritten. Investigations in the Ethiopian Palaeolithic site from 2024 UNESCO World Heritage Site, 8 November 2024, organised by Maria Grazia Melis

Alessandro Usai (ABAP Superintendency for the metropolitan city of Cagliari and the provinces of Oristano and South Sardinia), Presentation of the book Usini. Reconstructing the Past. Twenty years of archaeological research, 17 January 2025, organised by Maria Grazia Melis

Archaeological excavations

Campu Sciamaìn - Calasetta, prehistoric settlement; Poggio Valdiloria - Grosseto (directed by Maria Grazia Melis).

Cuccureddus - Villasimius; Cronicario - Sant'Antioco; Kerkouane - Tunisia (directed by Michele Guirguis).

Geridu - Sorso, abandoned medieval village; Mesumundu - Siligo; Uchi Maius - Tunisia (directed by Marco Milanese).

Ibida - Romania, a Roman city (directed by Alessandro Teatini).