News from the PhD Course

Ultime tesi di dottorato

Sculptures et reliefs du Promunturium Mercurii aux époques punique et romaine
Dr. Fadwa Bouhjar, 35° cycle

The Punic World and Latium Vetus. Analysis of materials for a history of trade between the Archaic period and the destruction of Carthage in the Latin area
Dr. Danilo De Dominicis, 35° cycle

Historical sources on three case studies for the diocese of Turris (Sassari) in the first millennium. The cases of the translatio of the body of San Gabino, rock churches and parish churches
Dr. Marcello Derudas, 35° cycle

Thinking with Badiou the ontology of the subject in the openness of the contemporary. A proposed reading from the philosophy of art to education
Dr. Irene Oggiano, 36° cycle

Bioarchaeology of a medieval population in north-western Sardinia: the cemetery and ossuary of the abandoned village of Geridu (13th-14th century)
Dr. Cinzia Roggio, 35° cycle



  • Fadwa Bouhjar
  • Danilo De Dominicis (Technical archaeology assistant at ANAS S.p.A)
  • Marcello Derudas
  • Cinzia  Roggio (Social Cooperative Society "Sardinian Cooperative of Medieval Archaeology" -
  • Irene Oggiano


Alcune recenti pubblicazioni dei nostri dottorandi

Punic and Late Punic amphorae between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC from the Latium Vetus area, Carthage. Studi e Ricerche 9, 2024, Journal of the Italian Archaeological School of Carthage
Danilo De Dominicis, 35° cycle

Punic evidence in Latium Vetus: state of research and new perspectives, in Cipriani M, Greco E., Salzano A., Tornese C.I. (ed.), Dialogues on the Archaeology of Magna Graecia and the Mediterranean Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Studies 2020, Capaccio-Paestum (SA), 391-400. ISBN 978-88-87744-96-5
Danilo De Dominicis, 35° cycle

Aryballes en forme de hérisson: deux spécimens du Museo Egizio de Turin, Dialogues on the Archaeology of Magna Graecia and the Mediterranean Proceedings of the 5th International Conference 2020, Capaccio-Paestum (SA), 2022, 401-406. ISBN 978-88-87744-96-5.
Danilo De Dominicis, 35° cycle

Notes on Punic material from Adriatic Italy and the near hinterland, Folia Phoenicia. 5, 2021, 79-85. E-ISSN 2532-7704
Danilo De Dominicis, 35° cycle

Paleopathology of Geridu’s medieval ossuary. A preliminary analysis. Proceedings of the VI National Meeting of the Italian Group of Paleopathology (GIPaleo). Pathologica - Journal of the Italian Society of Anatomic Pathology and Diagnostic Cytopathology, 2022 114, 3 (Jun. 2022), 247-273
Cinzia Roggio, 35° cycle, Marco Milanese, Bandiera Pasquale

Adult sex estimation based on the 12th thoracic and 1st lumbar vertebrae from a Portuguese contemporary population: effects of degenerative lesions and comparison of accuracy with other skeletal areas”. La Revue de Médecine Légale, 2023,04
Cinzia Roggio, 35° cycle, Magalhães M. Bruno, Santos Ana Luisa

Changes in mortality by tuberculosis in non-industrialized Coimbra (Portugal): Trends between 1861 and 1914. Tuberculosis, Volume 143, Supplement, 2023
Santos Ana Luisa, Magalhães Bruno M., Roggio Cinzia, 35° cycle

Reflection on the real from selected articles from Nova Theoretica, notebooks, ed. Inschibboleth, ISSN: 2279-9303; ISBN: 978-88-5529-275-7
Irene Oggiano, 35° cycle



Bioarchaeology of a medieval population in north-western Sardinia: the cemetery and ossuary of the abandoned village of Geridu (13th-14th century)
Cinzia Roggio, 35° cycle
Prize for the best thesis in the humanities (2024)