Features and objectives The PhD Course is characterised by its interdisciplinary nature, which is proven by the fact that its lecturers belong to different scientific-disciplinary sectors, related to the CUN 10 and 11 areas. The presence of 8 lecturers from foreign universities and research institutes (France, Germany, Romania, Spain, Sweden and the USA) gives the Course a marked international vocation, which is reflected in the sharing of research and teaching activities, in the involvement of lecturers and PhD students in stays abroad, and in the joint participation in European projects.The PhD programme has developed several collaborations with foreign research institutes, formalised with bilateral agreements for research, training and co-supervision of PhD students. These include, among others, collaborations with the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), the Institute of Eco-Museum Research in Tulcea, Romania), the Lebanese University and the Phoenician Heritage Institut (Beirut, Lebanon), the University of the Balearic Islands (Spain), the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the UMR 6240 LISA CNRS - University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli (France), the Institut National du Patrimoine (Tunisia). Archaeology, the main component of the Course, is a scientific discipline with a strong interdisciplinary character, which integrates different methodologies and disciplinary fields from the humanities (historical, historical-artistic, literary, pedagogical, philosophical) and the ‘hard’ sciences (chemical, physical, biological, genetic, geological, geographical, botanical and zoological, statistical).The main aim of the course is to train graduates in advanced research, supporting the increase of knowledge in the subject areas that characterise it, the methodological skills, the ability to autonomously conduct high-level research activities, and the ability to compare and dialogue within the scientific community and with the general public. PhD students have the concrete opportunity to take part in the numerous scientific activities carried out by members of the Faculty in the laboratory and in the field, not only in Sardinia but also in France, Spain, Romania, Tunisia and Lebanon. Through an intensive high-level training process, specifically dedicated to refining the critical tools of scientific research, they will be able to familiarise themselves with the methodologies of data collection and processing, up to the realisation of original research paths, which will lead them to acquire the ability to publish scientific works in monographic form or in the form of articles for indexed journals. Naviga la sezione PhD Programme Coordinator Features and objectives PhD Course Faculty Course Units Events Guests Partner Universities News from the PhD Course