PRIN call for proposals 2022 The PRIN program finances public research projects in order to promote the national research system, strengthen interactions between universities and research institutions in line with the objectives outlined in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and encourage Italian participation in initiatives related to the European Union's Framework Program for Research and Innovation.These are projects whose complexity and nature may require the collaboration of multiple professors/researchers and whose funding needs exceed the normal availability of individual institutions.Depending on the nature of the project, the research team must consist of at least two research units from different universities, organizations or institutions.Projects can address topics related to any research field within the three macro fields determined by the ERC:Life sciences (LS)Physical, chemical and engineering sciences (PE)Social sciences and humanities (SH)Each project, lasting two years, must provide a maximum funding of 250,000 euros and a number of research units of at least two, in accordance with the aims of the call, which is aimed at strengthening interactions between universities and research institutions, achieving the objectives of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and encouraging Italian participation in initiatives related to the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation.Research units within the same project must necessarily belong to different universities/institutions/institutions.All project costs are covered by MUR funding, except those related to permanent employees, which remain the responsibility of the university/body/institution hosting the research unit.Applications must be submitted by PIs no later than 3:00 p.m. on March 31, 2022, failing which the project will be ineligible and excluded from the call, only through web-based procedures.Applications are written in English; an additional version in Italian may also be provided at the proposer's option.NEW. The fillable forms are made available as of 15:00 on February 7, 2022.N.B.Any person who is funded in any capacity under the PRIN 2020 call is eligible to participate in this call.Each professor/researcher may appear, whatever his/her role (PI, unit head, participant), in only one proposal of this call.Participant InclusionAll participants in Prin projects must have a useful, current qualification that is certified on Loginmiur by the appropriate office of the University. In the absence of this condition it is not possible to be included in Prin projects.Subject to compliance with the provisions contained in the ministerial documentation, for certification on Loginmiur of doctoral students please contact Dr. Riccardo Zallu of the Higher Education office ( - 079/229992).@princineca - posizioni certificate e inserimento partecipanti CODAU GdL Ricerca e valutazione della ricerca - Presentazione Bando PRIN 2022 – 21 febbraio 2022 Last update: 16 October 2024 Naviga la sezione PRIN 2022 PNRR Call for Proposals PRIN call for proposals 2022 Settori Uniss finanziati PRIN 2022 Scorrimento Bando PRIN 2020 Bando PRIN 2017 AIM - Attraction and international mobility of researchers Highlighted Nota chiarimenti - azioni di informazione e comunicazione a cura dei soggetti attuatori Linee Guida per la rendicontazione destinate ai soggetti attuatori degli interventi PNRR in Italia di cui il Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca è amministrazione titolare FAQ Linee Guida I° elenco FAQ Linee Guida 2º elenco FAQ Linee Guida 3º elenco Documentazione Ufficio ricerca e qualità FAQ UNISS - documento aggiornato al 26/09/2024 Documentazione ministeriale Bando PRIN 2022 (D.D. n. 104 del 02/02/2022) Allegato 1 - Settori ERC Allegato 2 - Criteri per la determinazione dei costi Allegato 3 - Procedure e criteri di valutazione Linee guida per i Comitati di Valutazione Linee guida per i Revisori Facsimile – inglese – documento aggiornato il 01/03/2022 Facsimile – italiano – documento aggiornato il 01/03/2022 Facsimile DSAN Slide presentazione Bando PRIN 2022 FAQ MUR Procedura di valutazione (D.D. n. 1580 del 14/10/2022) Modifica procedura di valutazione (D.D. n. 490 del 07/04/2023) Nota chiarimento quesiti Uffici Ricerca - Bandi PRIN 2022 e PRIN 2022 PNRR