AIM - Attraction and international mobility of researchers


MIUR issued in implementation of Action I.2 "Mobility of Researchers" of Axis I of PON R&I 2014-2020 and takes into account the written procedure for amending PON R&I 2014-2020 under Articles 30 and 96 of Regulation (EU) 1303/2013, which was launched on February 21, 2018. 2.

The intervention is divided into:

(a) Line 1 (Mobility of researchers): support for the contracting as fixed-term researchers referred to in Article 24, paragraph 3, letter a) of Law 240/2010, of individuals with a PhD degree obtained no more than four years before the date of this notice, to be directed to international mobility;

b) Line 2 (Attraction of researchers): support for the contracting, as fixed-term researchers referred to in art. 24,paragraph 3, lett. a) of Law 240/2010, of individuals in possession of a PhD degree obtained no more than eight years before the date of this notice, working at universities/research institutions/enterprises outside the PON R&I 2014-2020 Objective Regions or even abroad, with at least two years of experience at such structures, referring: 2. 1) either to participation in or technical-scientific conduct of research programs and/or projects; 2.2) or to direct management (or related assistance) in the phases of preparation, organization, monitoring and evaluation of research programs/projects.

The proposals are funded under the NOP Research and Innovation 2014 - 2020, Action I.2.