Call for Erasmus grants for Traineeship 2024/25 Programme Description and ObjectivesThe Erasmus Traineeship (SMT) programme allows students to undertake a traineeship abroad in companies, institutions, training and research centres, in order to carry out full-time practical work, recognised by the home university as an integral part of the student's study programme. The trainee will have the opportunity to acquire new skills and competences, to experience and understand the culture of the host country and to improve and develop his/her language skills.The programme includes several measures aimed at making the opportunities offered more flexible and accessible, such as:Short-term physical mobility for doctoral studentsBlended mobility (mobility involving a part of activity abroad and a part of activity in virtual mode)Grants for green travels Additional grants for students with fewer opportunitiesMobility in third countries not associated with the Programme Bando/Call Attachments and forms Learning Agreement for Traineeship Allegato 2, lettera motivazionale/Motivation Letter Allegato 4, dichiarazione di conformità all'originale per le certificazioni linguistiche/form for language certificates Allegato 5, elenco contatti dipartimentali/list of department contacts List of destinations and available mobility grants NOTICE OF 7 May 2024Please note that the file with the list of destinations available for the Department of Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacy has been integrated with the destination CZ PRAHA07, which was already available on the Student Self since the opening date of the Call. Allegato 3a elenco sedi e mensilità DADU/List of destinations DADU Allegato 3b elenco sedi e mensilità Agraria/List of destinations Dept. of Agriculture Allegato 3c elenco sedi e mensilità DISEA/List of destinations DISEA Allegato 3d elenco sedi e mensilità DISSUF/List of destinations DISSUF Allegato 3e elenco sedi e mensilità DUMAS/List of destinations DUMAS Allegato 3f elenco sedi e mensilità Giurisprudenza/List of destinations Dept. of Law Allegato 3h elenco sedi e mensilità Scienze Biomediche/List of destinations Dept. of Biomedical Sciences Allegato 3i elenco sedi e mensilità Scienze CFMN/List of destinations Dept. of SCFMN Allegato 3l, elenco sedi e mensilità Medicina Veterinaria/List of destinations Dept. of Veterinary Medicine Allegato 3 elenco sedi e mensilità Medicina/List of destinations Dept. of Medicine Online application procedure Compila la candidatura tramite il Self studenti/Apply through the Self Studenti platform Guide Handbooks Guida per la compilazione del Learning Agreement for Traineeship/Guide on how to fill in the Learning Agreement Guida-iscrizione_Bando-Erasmus-Traineeship-2024-2025_0.pdf Search for a traineeship position Language assessment test at the University Language Center (CLA) The language assessment tests will be held in the Aula Informatica of the CLA, via Zanfarino 62, on 13 and 14 June 2024. To access the tests, students have to register online, through the website, from 14 May till 11 June 2024.An online session is scheduled on 13 June 2024, at 10 a.m. This session is restricted to:students who are abroad on international mobility; students who, for proven and serious reasons, are unable to take the tests in person students who attend the courses in Alghero, Nuoro, Olbia and/or Oristano:To register for the online session, students must send an email to The registration through the procedure is not required. Official Documentation Decreto di emanazione bando Further information about the programme FAQ SMT Special measures for students with fewer opportunities Outcome Decreto di approvazione atti - bando generale Decreto di approvazione atti Graduatoria definitiva Decreto di emendamento graduatoria definitiva Graduatoria definitiva rettificata Decreto di approvazione atti II scadenza del bando (ottobre 2024) Graduatoria definitiva - II scadenza del bando (ottobre 2024) EXPIRY DATETuesday, 25 February 2025 hours 13.00 DATE OF PUBLICATIONTuesday, 23 April 2024