
Studenti Erasmus
The general Erasmus Traineeship call 2024/25 for internships abroad is now available online.
Cortile Ateneo
Compilation of Institutional Events, Signing of Agreements, and Delegations Visiting the University of Sassari.
Inaugurazione 462° Anno Accademico
Review the live streaming broadcast from the Municipal Theater of Sassari.
eINS PNRR Project - Innovation Ecosystem - ECS00000038.


L'Università di Sassari e il PNRR

They will not be distributed to everyone.

Panoramica Sos Enattos_EGO_INFN

The objective is to promote the candidacy of SOS Enattos

Giuseppe Ibba

The University of Sassari dedicates a classroom in the Agriculture department to "its" surveyorento di Agraria

LiberArte_Progetto Pup Uniss a Tempio Nuchis settembre 2024

The results of the project carried out by PUP Uniss and ERSU