All scheduled events Insieme contro la violenza. Non solo per un giorno. Tra parole e musica. Un pomeriggio dedicato alla riflessione e al confronto sulla delicata tematica della violenza contro le donne. L'iniziativa "Insieme contro la violenza. Non solo per un giorno. Tra parole e musica" mira a creare uno spazio aperto di discussione, coinvolgendo attivamente studenti, specializzandi e cittadini in un dibattito costruttivo su questioni cruciali. A organizzarlo è la Clinica Psichiatrica dell'Aou di Sassari, in collaborazione con l'Università turritana, l'Asln. 1 e il Comune di Sassari, assieme alle associazioni degli studenti universitari.L'evento, arricchito dalla presenza di artisti locali, si svolgerà il 3 febbraio, dalle 15 alle 19, al Teatro Comunale di Sassari in Piazzale Cappuccini.L'incontro si articolerà in diverse sessioni, ciascuna focalizzata su un settore specifico. Ogni sessione vedrà il coinvolgimento di rappresentanti delle istituzioni e del territorio, con risposte chiare e concise alle domande provenienti dagli studenti/specializzandi.Dopo l'introduzione al convegno con un intervento musicale quindi i saluti delle autorità, la prima sessione avrà come tema il Dialogo con l’Università. Un'analisi dell'impegno concreto verso una cultura del rispetto di genere e della non violenza, inclusa la formazione dei professionisti.Sarà quindi la volta del "Dialogo con le Strutture Sanitarie", con risposte alle domande degli studenti/specializzandi da parte dei direttori dell’AOU e dell’ASL. Si parlerà di coordinamento del Codice Rosa, di Unità di Vittimologia (UNISS), dei servizi di psichiatria adulti dell'Asl e di altre figure chiave.Spazio poi al "Dialogo con le Associazioni", con il coinvolgimento appunto delle associazioni attive nel contrasto alla violenza, case rifugio, comunità e associazioni per la tutela delle vittime e la riabilitazione degli autori di violenza.A chiudere i dibattiti sarà il "Dialogo con le Forze dell’Ordine e il territorio" che si concentrerà su tutela delle vittime, sanzioni per gli autori, politiche di intervento, leggi, fondi e monitoraggio a livello regionale e comunale. VIOLENZA SULLE DONNE: VOCI A CONFRONTO: ecco com'è andata. VIOLENZA SULLE DONNE: VOCI A CONFRONTO Giovedì 11 gennaio 2024 alle ore 16.00 presso l’aula Segni del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza si terrà la conferenza “Violenza sulle Donne: voci a confronto” L’evento è stato organizzato in sinergia dal Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università, nell’ambito delle sue attività di terza missione, dai Rappresentanti degli Studenti e da tutte le associazioni studentesche universitarie dell’Ateneo (ELSA, ASP, APUS, ASE, ESN, EUREKA, SISM, AISO, ASA, RADIO-UNI, AGT, ARKIMASTRIA).I relatori saranno: Maria Antonietta Foddai (ordinaria di filosofia del diritto), Tommaso Gazzolo (associato di filosofia del diritto), Luciana Goisis (associata di diritto penale), Patrizia Patrizi (ordinaria di psicologia giuridica), Maria Lucia Piga (associata di sociologia), e Patrizia Desole (presidente dell’associazione Prospettiva Donna Olbia).Il Direttore del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza prof Michele M. Comenale Pinto porterà i saluti istituzionali, mentre introdurrà e modererà l’evento Enrico Baroffio, rappresentante degli studenti del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza.Al termine degli interventi, si aprirà un dibattito, durante il quale il pubblico potrà rivolgere domande ai relatori. Laboratories on "Gender Identity and Rights" - September/October 2023 In September and October 2023, the "Gender Identity and Rights" Laboratories will resume, focusing on specific themes that emerged during previous sessions and responding to explicit requests from the student population. Six laboratory sessions are planned, each lasting 3 hours. To register, click on this link and fill out the form. If you are unable to register by clicking the link, send an email to indicating your name, surname, student ID, degree course, and department.Themes and schedule of the sessions:1. "Identity, Transitions, Rights": Monday, September 4 - 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm.2. "Gestation for Others": Tuesday, September 5 - 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm.3. "Gender Identity and Rights" (Meeting addressing the topic in a general manner): Monday, September 11 - 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm.4. "Sexual Orientation, Law, Rights": Tuesday, September 12 - 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm.5. "Gender Language": Friday, October 6 - 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm (Microsoft Teams platform – access link: [Teams Link]).6. "Network and its Dangers: Hate, Discrimination (online and algorithmic), Gender Profiling": Thursday, October 12 - 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm (Microsoft Teams platform – access link: [Teams Link]).For information: Laboratories on "Gender Identity and Rights" Are you interested in the issue of gender identity and rights? Join our workshops conducted by the Gender Equality Plan team and open to all degree courses.Together, we will discuss biological sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and transition based on a legal case, a story, or a film.Discover our program and click on the link to fill out the registration form.If you are unable to register by clicking the link, send an email to indicating your name, surname, student ID, degree course, and department.Up to 30 students are admitted per session.Registrations can be submitted by the dates indicated for each department.CFUs will be assigned.Departments that have joined the workshop project and schedule of sessions:Department of Law – Registrations by 18.03.2023First session on 21.03.2023, at 12:00Second session on 28.03.2023, at 17:00Third session on 15.06.2023, at 16:00Department of History, Human Sciences, and Education – Registrations by 31.05.2023First session on 21.06.2023, at 10:00Department of Agriculture – Registrations by 31.05.2023First session on 20.06.2023, at 16:00Department of Economic and Business Sciences – Registrations by 31.05.2023Department of Medicine, Surgery, and Pharmacy – Registrations by 31.05.2023First session on 15.06.2023, at 16:00Second session on 16.06.2023, at 16:00Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban Planning – Registrations by 31.05.2023First session on 21.06.2023, at 10:00Department of Humanities and Social Sciences – Registrations by 31.05.2023First session on 21.06.2023, at 10:00The workshops will resume in June. We will soon announce the official dates!Check the social media channels of the University of Sassari and the Department of Law in Sassari to stay updated on all the news! European Researchers' Night 2022 - "It won't be a woman to dictate the law" The theme of gender disparity is explored, taking into account various aspects related to it.During the talk, reflections are presented that focus on the social initiatives in support of women facing difficulties.Subsequently, the issue is also analyzed from an academic perspective, addressing potential situations of discrimination that may occur within the university. Solutions are discussed, including university initiatives aimed at breaking down the wall of gender disparity.Furthermore, the matter is examined from a philosophical-constitutional perspective, highlighting conceptual aspects such as equality and equity.Finally, a brief theatrical representation of Sophocles' Antigone is proposed, illustrating that women have always lived in a reality shaped predominantly by masculine perspectives.Speakers: Maria Antonietta Foddai (Delegate of the Rector for the Gender Equality Plan), Valentina Bianco (Equality Councillor of the Province of Sassari), Serena Gennaro (Department of Law), Fortunato Piras (Department of Law).The activity will conclude with a short theatrical representation of Bertolt Brecht's Antigone by the Teatro Sassari Company.Contact: Giovanna Maria Antonietta Foddai (Department of Law)Collaborator: Antonella Fois (Department of Law)Partners: Province of Sassari, Teatro Sassari Company Form for collecting information on gender-sensitive activities carried out at UNISS In the perspective of ongoing monitoring of gender-sensitive activities organized and implemented at our university and in each department - also in anticipation of a future implementation of the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) - we invite you to complete the form through which you can easily report gender-sensitive activities planned by your unit.The form, modeled after the GEP structure, can be filled out each time a new activity is implemented and is accessible through this link: []( We appreciate your understanding of the importance of this initiative and thank you in advance for your collaboration. Health Needs Assessment Questionnaire for the Academic Community As part of a collaboration between the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Department of Law, and the Department of Medicine, Surgery, and Pharmacy, the research project I.G.E.A. (Innovation for Gender Equality in Academia) has been initiated. It is funded by L.R. 7/2007 and aimed at constructing the University Gender Balance, with the perspective of guiding the management of human and economic resources in accordance with gender variables and characteristics.Within this project, which is not intended to replace or overlap with other initiatives undertaken by the University, the research unit of the Department of Medicine, Surgery, and Pharmacy, composed of Professor Andrea Piana, Professor Antonio Azara, Professor Marco Dettori, and Dr. Giovanna Deiana, is focusing on health aspects and identifying health needs within the academic community.To assess health needs, this questionnaire has been prepared.The assessment of health needs can be an opportunity to delve into the broader theme of well-being and quality of life at work, as shown by studies and research on the subject. The results obtained will be useful for planning targeted interventions and implementing University policies and actions.The questionnaire should be completed by June 30, 2022. The CUG engages with the community: Shared experiences and ongoing processes between university bodies and local institutions On the initiative of the CUG, on May 27, 2022, at 9:00 am, at the Aula Magna of our University, the event "The CUG engages with the community: Shared experiences and ongoing processes between university bodies and local institutions" will take place.The event aims to introduce the bodies and institutional figures within the University that focus on equal opportunities, combating discrimination and violence, and promoting well-being in the workplace. It also aims to find points of contact with local institutions and associations, fostering closer collaboration between the community and the University of Sassari.Program09:00 am – Greetings- Gavino Mariotti, Rector of the University of Sassari- Marta Galiñanes Gallén, President of the Single Guarantee Committee of the University of Sassari09:30 am – Presentations by participants (first session) - Moderated by Marta Galiñanes- Maria Antonietta Sale, Provincial Equality Councillor (actual) and Sandra Manca (alternate)- Francesca Ruggiu, President of the Regional Equal Opportunities Commission- Maria Antonietta Foddai, Delegate of the Rector for the Gender Equality Plan- Filomena Cau, Head of Nascita Serena- Rossana Zentile, Secretary of the Soroptimist Club of Sassari and President-elect for the biennium 2024-26- Ester Cois, President of the Single Guarantee Committee University of Cagliari- Alessandra Nivoli, Director of the Victimology Center at AOU SassariCoffee break11:15 am – Presentations by participants (second session) - Moderated by Graziella Benedetto- Giovanni Pruneddu, Delegate of the Rector for Disabilities and Learning Disorders- Giuseppina Soddu, President of the Single Guarantee Committee of the Municipality of Sassari and Dr. Pinna Nossai (member)- Maria Lucia Piga, Head of the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies- Annina Sardara, Dafne Sardegna Network- Marilena Budroni, Coordinator of the Committee for Diversity and Welcome (DivA)- Martina Pinna, President of the Italian Federation of Women in Arts, Professions, and Business (Fidapa-BPW, Sassari section)- Alessandra Maria Delrio, President of Inner Wheel Italy (Sassari club)- Patrizia Patrizi, Delegate of the Magnificent Rector for Occupational Well-being Figures of Women in the Theater of William Shakespeare - University Theater Workshop - 2022, sixth edition The Chair of English Literature at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Sassari, in collaboration with the theater company 'La Botte e il Cilindro,' is pleased to present the sixth edition of the University Theater Workshop.The theater workshop is open to all female and male students of the University of Sassari and includes the creation of a final essay at the end of the activities. The training course can be validated as an internship, where provided by the study program (6 CFU).Interested students are invited to the informational meeting on June 22, at 6:00 pm, at the headquarters of the theater company, Nuovo Cineteatro Astra, Corso Francesco Cossiga, 5, 07100 Sassari SS.Two workshop days will follow on June 23 and 24, at 6:00 pm, conducted by the artistic director of the company, director Pier Paolo Conconi.For information, contact the project's coordinating coordinator, Professor Loredana Salis ( Che cosa è il laboratorio teatrale universitario Laboratorio teatrale universitario 2022 - VI edizione Seminar titled "What Kind of Rights? Gender Equality in University" On Tuesday, March 22, at 10:00 am, in the council hall of the Department of Law in Viale Mancini, the seminar titled "What Kind of Rights? Gender Equality in University" will take place. The seminar, part of the activities of the Doctoral School in Legal Sciences, aims to illustrate the Gender Equality Plan of our University, emphasizing its specificities and contents. It also aims to describe the research methodology that led to the development of the Plan.The speakers for the seminar are as follows:- Prof. Maria Antonietta Foddai- Prof. Tommaso Gazzolo- Dr. Michela Desantis- Dr. Pedro Pablo Fiorini- Dr. Lucia Milia Let's defend the right to be women. Every year on November 25, we celebrate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The awareness campaign against discrimination, violence, exclusion, and marginalization that women face continues until December 10, International Human Rights Day.The Gender Equality Plan Working Group at the University of Sassari collaborates with other centers and entities of the university, including CUG, ARGINO, DivA, and the Victimology Center of the AOU, to plan and propose positive actions against gender discrimination in the university and social context:Guidelines on Inclusive Language in Academia;Training courses on Gender Identity and Anti-Discrimination Law;Clinical clinic for Victimology and violence prevention (Clinical Psychiatric Victimology Unit, UNISS-AOU, Prof. Nivoli);Counseling desk for gender-based violence prevention (Start Project - Anti-Violence Centers - ARGINO Center - Prof. Piga);Self-defense courses for female students at Uniss. Study meeting: "In the analysis of domestic violence, nothing has been more underestimated than language." Friday, March 25th, at 3:00 PM on the Unisstube online platform, the study meeting organized by the Single Guarantee Committee of the University of Sassari will take place, titled "In the analysis of domestic violence, nothing has been more underestimated than language."Below is the program of the event:INSTITUTIONAL GREETINGSProf. Maria Antonietta Foddai – Delegate of the Magnificent Rector for the Gender Equality Plan (University of Sassari)Prof. Maria Lucia Piga - Head of the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies A.R.G.IN.O. (University of Sassari)PRESENTATIONProf. Raffaella Scarpa (University of Turin) – "The style of abuse. Domestic violence and language"CHAIR AND COORDINATIONMarta Galiñanes Gallén - President of the Single Guarantee Committee (University of Sassari) Naviga la sezione All scheduled events