Distance learning UNISS provides its students and staff with a web infrastructure to support traditional learning with distance learning, based mainly on the Moodle platform and the Microsoft Office365 suite.The Moodle platform allows the administration and management of both educational content and users, also securing communications between the teaching staff and students.Live streaming lessons, video and audio sharing are shaded via MS Teams. Asynchronous teaching - Moodle platform Access to the Moodle platform is permitted with broadband credentials for teachers and selfStudenti credentials for students. Moodle platform Synchronous teaching - Microsoft teams Microsoft Teams is the tool primarily used to schedule live remote lessons with students. Login Office365 Other distance learning platforms University Language Centre Active Guidance Pathways Erasmus Capacity Building in Higher Education Ilham-ec project Maya project Naviga la sezione Special needs students Student associations Student collaborations Italian Erasmus ESSE3 PA - Self-certification verification Distance learning Guides and tutorials Guide per studenti Student secretariats Counseling services Offerta Banco di Sardegna Studenti Uniss Student Hub Deh Alma Documents Protocol for the resumption of in-person teaching activities Referrals AGRICULTURAL SCIENCESEttore Bazzoni ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN AND URBAN PLANNINGMarco Pisano LAWSalvatore Dore VETERINARY MEDICINERenata Fadda, Antonello Floris BIOMEDICAL SCIENCESBetty Mura ECONOMICS AND BUSINESSBarbara Pes HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCESAlessandro Guaraglia HISTORY, HUMANITIES AND EDUCATIONAL SCIENCESMarco Fadda Assistance Go to the IT support page