Counseling and psychological support service The Counseling and Psychological Support Service, funded by ERSU and the University, works towards promoting and enhancing the well-being of students through counseling and support actions aimed at making the academic journey an experience that enhances the potential of each student. The Service accompanies students on a path of personal and social growth, promoting the recognition of the significance of their experiences and lived realities in their studies and everyday life. What are the objectives? Promoting well-being in adjusting to student lifeFacilitating self-awareness and personal growth through psychological supportEncouraging mutual understanding among students and integration into educational contexts and the citySupporting students in their academic journey and in building their professional future What do we do? Individual counseling and psychological supportPsychotherapeutic interventionPsychiatric support and interventionNetworking for referrals regarding needs and requests within the competence of other services and professionals What does it offer? 1. Psychological Counseling:Effectively managing the planning of one's educational and professional future.Enhancing student skills to make the current academic and future career paths more satisfying.Improving adaptation to new educational and social contexts.Effectively managing emotions (e.g., anxiety).Enhancing psychosocial resources such as self-efficacy, self-esteem, and relationship quality.Balancing study, work, and life schedules.2. Psychological Support and Psychotherapeutic Intervention:Addressing any psychological difficulties that may interfere with personal and social well-being.3. Psychiatric Consultation:The main objective of psychiatry is to alleviate suffering and promote emotional and psychophysical well-being by intervening where necessary. This may involve personalized pharmacological treatments to alleviate suffering that negatively affects functioning, both socially and professionally. Personal distress may be related to stress experienced in the university environment, within the family, or among peers, potentially leading to psychopathology. Therefore, the presence of sleep disorders, anxiety, or mood disorders should not be overlooked, as they may hinder the university journey, resulting in delays in completing the academic program. Psychological Counseling:It provides an environment for acceptance and information, managed through individual and group consultations with the aim of supporting students' career paths, combating university dropout rates, and providing support to young people transitioning into responsible adulthood.Opportunities:Qualified support to effectively manage the planning of one's educational and professional future:Identifying and valuing developed skills, abilities, and knowledge.Defining one's competencies and improvement possibilities in relation to the demands of the job market.Building a career plan.Enhancing student skills to make the current academic and future career paths more satisfying.Improving adaptation to new educational and social contexts.Effectively managing emotions (e.g., anxiety).Enhancing psychosocial resources such as self-efficacy, self-esteem, and relationship quality.Balancing study, work, and life schedules.Psychological Support and Psychotherapeutic Intervention:It provides support for any psychological issues that may interfere with university well-being, personal realization, study motivation, and social relationships. The service is free and includes a maximum of 5 sessions, extendable to a maximum of 10 if necessary. If a more extensive intervention is required, arrangements will be made, in agreement with the individual, for referral to public facilities.Psychiatric Consultation:It involves evaluation aimed at prevention and early detection and treatment of mental disorders through clinical interviews and, if necessary, psychopharmacological intervention. This includes diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of psychiatric disorders. Among the disorders treated by psychiatry are sleep disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, addictions, psychotic disorders, and behavioral disorders.The initial consultation can be arranged through direct referral to the specialist or by agreement within the scope of a previous psychological consultation. If significant symptoms are present, the psychologist may deem it necessary to integrate their intervention with medical consultation. Psychiatric consultation includes up to three sessions to clarify the nature of personal distress. At the end of the evaluation, diagnostic framing and therapeutic recommendations will be provided. Useful advice will be given to adequately address distress, with possible referral to local facilities and centers for comprehensive care. Naviga la sezione Il progetto PRISMA Counseling and psychological support service The Team The history of the service Avvisi Interruzione accesso al ServizioCare e cari studenti,Siamo spiacenti ma al momento non è possibile fare accesso al Servizio a causa della troppa affluenza.Sarà possibile inviare un'e-mail a per essere ricontattati per fissare un incontro non appena si libereranno degli spazi.Ci scusiamo per il disagio,Lo Staff del Servizio di counseling e sostegno psicologico Consultation After completing the appointment request form below, you will be contacted within 72 hours to schedule an initial consultation. Book your consultation Contacts servicespsychological@uniss.itScientific Responsible of the Service:Patrizia Patrizi Staff Patrizia Patrizi, Scientific ResponsibleGian Luigi Lepri, Methodological Coordinator, Supervisor, and PsychotherapistErnesto Lodi, Research Area ManagerMaria Luisa Scarpa, PsychotherapistLucrezia Perrella, Secretary CoordinatorDebora Moretti, Communication Area Manager See also The Service closely collaborates with the Restorative Justice Practices Team of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences. See also The Service closely collaborates with the Restorative Justice Practices Team of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.