Medical Area

The Specialization School represents a post-graduate professionalizing path aimed at providing knowledge and skills for highly qualified functions required for the exercise of specific professional activities.

Admission Title

The admission of physicians to Specialization Schools takes place in accordance with the current regulations included in the annual admission notice for the first year.


The number of positions available for competition with ministerial funding is determined by national planning and is established in agreement between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of University and Research, and subsequently allocated among the individual Schools.

Admission of the winners according to their respective rankings for the different types of positions takes place in accordance with the provisions of the annual admission notice for the Schools.

Specialization Schools in the Medical Area belong to the following three areas: Medical Area, Surgical Area, and Clinical Services Area. Within each area, the Schools are grouped into homogeneous Classes to allow for better utilization of structural, educational, and healthcare resources, including activities referred to as common trunk activities.

To obtain the Specialist Title in the types of specialization courses included in the Medical Area, Surgical Area, and Clinical Services Area classes, the specialist in training must acquire a total of 240 ECTS credits for schools structured in four years of course and 300 ECTS credits for the training paths of schools structured in five years of course.

Questionari medici specializzandi

Con riguardo all’a.a. 2022 – 2023 l’Osservatorio nazionale della formazione
sanitaria specialistica ha previsto di effettuare il monitoraggio dei risultati della qualità della formazione specialistica dei medici anche mediante la somministrazione ai medici in formazione del questionario di
valutazione delle scuole di specializzazione previsti dall’art. 6, co. 3, lett. b), del decreto MIUR – Salute del 13 giugno 2017, n. 402.
Il questionario, rivolto ai medici in formazione specialistica iscritti a tutti gli anni di corso, ivi compresi dunque gli iscritti al 1° anno di corso (immatricolati a.a. 2022/2023) è disponibile a decorrere dal 8 ottobre 2024 sul sito del CINECA all’indirizzo, al quale gli specializzandi hanno accesso previa registrazione o tramite SPID.
La partecipazione dello specializzando all’iniziativa è condizione di accesso all’esame di profitto di fine anno o, per gli iscritti all’ultimo anno, all’esame finale di Corso, come da decisione assunta all’unanimità dall’ONFSS nella plenaria del 20 settembre 2022.

Types of contracts compatible with specialist training


It is hereby communicated that Agreements governing the modalities of specialist training for fixed-term employment of trainees pursuant to Law No. 145 of December 30, 2018, have been signed between the University of Sassari and the following Regions and Autonomous Provinces:

  • Sardinia Region
  • Trento Autonomous Province
  • Tuscany Region
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
  • Liguria Region
  • Emilia Romagna Region

In the event of fixed-term employment pursuant to Law No. 145 of December 30, 2018, the interested party must complete the following form, submit it for approval by the School Director, and then send it, along with a scanned copy of a valid identification document, via PEC to:

Specialists are reminded that they must dedicate 30-32 hours per week to work and practical training activities within the healthcare company where they have been hired. They will fulfill the remaining hours, dedicated to theoretical training activities, at the University and according to the procedures provided by the School.

The specialist doctor hired under Law No. 145 of December 30, 2018, is not entitled to accumulate the economic treatment provided by the specialist training contract for the relevant period; therefore, they are obliged to promptly communicate their assumption of duty using the above-mentioned procedures.

In the event of hiring at an operational structure NOT INCLUDED IN THE TRAINING NETWORK of the specialization school to which the trainee is enrolled, the activity carried out at the structure is classified as "extra-network" activity. The extra-network structure where the trainee will be hired must necessarily be accredited as the Headquarters structure of another Italian University for the same type of Specialization School.

The healthcare company that proceeds with the hiring at an operational structure not included in the training network of the specialization school to which the trainee is enrolled must request, via PEC to:, the drafting of an individual training project to be attached to the fixed-term employment contract as an integral part of the contract itself. This project will also certify the level of autonomy achieved by the trainee for the performance of work activities and will identify the reference Tutor who must certify the trainee's activities.

The Regions interested in signing an Agreement governing the modalities of specialist training for fixed-term employment of trainees pursuant to Law No. 145 of December 30, 2018, with this University, can send their request via PEC to

Hiring of trainees will not be possible without the request from the interested Region and the subsequent signing of the Agreement.

It is noted that in the event of a request from the interested Region, the Agreement will be countersigned promptly by the Magnificent Rector of this University.

Useful Information

The request for withdrawal from studies must be sent via PEC to along with an identification document.


To activate your institutional EMAIL ADDRESS/access BROADBAND/ view PAYSLIPS, you need to log in to the self-service portal for students, change your password, and wait approximately 30 minutes.

Access is granted using your user ID and password from the Uniss Self-Service Portal (for email, add to your user ID).

Useful links:

self studenti

electronic mail

consultation of pay slips

If access problems persist, please consult the page


In case of CHANGE OF BANK DETAILS, please fill out the following form and send it, in the same format, along with an identification document, to the email addresses and


Action IV.1 has allowed the Italian government to supplement the funds made available for the academic years 2020/21 and 2021/2022 for the specialist training of doctors, increasing the number of specialist training contracts referred to in Article 37 of Legislative Decree No. 368 of August 17, 1999, to strengthen the staffing of competent personnel in healthcare services during the emergency and post-emergency phases.

The expenditure incurred for specialist training contracts consists of the economic treatment paid to the trainee by the University hosting the school in twelve monthly installments inclusive of all contributory charges borne by the contracting parties.

The number of contracts funded at the University of Sassari, for each year, is 19.

The total amount is €475,000 per year, equivalent to €25,000 per trainee doctor.

PNRR - M6C2I2.2 - Development of technical, professional, digital, and managerial skills of healthcare personnel - Subinvestment M6C2I2.2 (d) - Medical-specialist training contracts

The University of Sassari actively participates in MISSION 6 - COMPONENT 2 - INNOVATION, RESEARCH, AND DIGITALIZATION OF THE NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE. Through investment M6C2 I2.2: Development of technical, professional, digital, and managerial skills of healthcare personnel and sub-investment M6C2 2.2 (d), "Medical specialist training contracts," it aims to update and train healthcare operators and professionals to ensure the effectiveness, adequacy, safety, and efficiency of the assistance provided by the National Health Service.

The financial resources allocated for the implementation of the PNRR have been assigned to the five-year medical-specialist training contracts activated in the academic year 2020-2021. For the University of Sassari, pursuant to Article 1 of the Interministerial Decree of April 19, 2023, 47 PNRR contracts have been allocated for a total amount of €6,016,000.