Regulations for medical specialization schools Legislative Decree No. 368 of August 17, 1999 "Implementation of Directive 93/16/EEC on the free movement of doctors and the mutual recognition of their diplomas, certificates, and other titles" Interministerial Decree of February 4, 2015, No. 68 "Reorganization of specialization schools in the health sector" Interministerial Decree No. 402/2017 defining the standards, requirements, and indicators of training and healthcare activities of specialization schools in the health sector pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 3, of Interministerial Decree No. 68/2015 Decree of August 10, 2017, No. 130 "Regulation concerning the procedures for the admission of doctors to specialization schools in medicine, pursuant to Article 36, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree No. 368 of August 17, 1999" General Regulation of Medical Specialization Schools Regulation on Fees and Contributions for Postgraduate Courses and State Exams Naviga la sezione Regulations