Travel information By plane:The nearest airport to Sassari is ALGHERO - FERTILIA (about 30 Km from Sassari). All destination to/from Alghero Airport are available on the Destinations page.Sardinia has other two airports with serve different destinations: OLBIA COSTA SMERALDA (in the North-East of the island) and CAGLIARI-ELMAS (in the South of the island)By ferry:The nearest seaport to Sassari is Porto Torres (about 20 Km from Sassari). Ferries sail from Genoa and Civitavecchia (Rome). The Porto Torres-Sassari stretch is served by a frequent bus service. You can also travel to other seaports of the island, such as Cagliari, Olbia or Arbatax, which are connected to Sassari by several bus and railway companies. Naviga la sezione Accommodation University canteen Italian tax code Health care Insurance Policies Visa and residence permit Libraries and connectivity Support for students with special needs Leisure & sports Travel information