International agreements Types of agreements Academic and scientific collaborations with institutions based in other countries may be implemented through the signing of International Agreements or Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs). These agreements mainly promote research and/or teaching activities between UNISS and the partner institution, and foster and encourage international exchanges of faculty, researchers and students.The University of Sassari routinely uses the following templates.Framework Agreement for Academic and Scientific CollaborationBeing signed by the Recto, it expresses a general interest in the promotion and development of collaborations; it has a duration of five years, automatically renewable for a period of equal duration. The collaboration envisaged by this Agreement is organized through the signing of additional specific protocols governing joint research, training and teaching activities, as well as the mobility of faculty, researchers, graduates or postgraduates; it directly incolves the Departments or Research Centers, which appoint a scientific coordinator.Other agreementsWith institutions other than typical ones, such as ministries, hospitals, international bodies etc.Multilateral agreementsThey include multiple partners being part of a collaborative agreement. For changes to the texts of the agreement, the promoter should contact the Rectoral Delegate and the Mobility and International Relations Office. Draft bilateral agreement in English Bozza accordo quadro in lingua italiana Borrador del acuerdo bilateral en castellano Dichiarazione copertura finanziaria - Statement of funding Inter-university collaborations on the CINECA portal INTERLINK database (powered by CINECA) Naviga la sezione International agreements International networks Internationalization strategy News from the World UNISS Delegates for internationalization and the University Committee Mobility and International Relations Office Contacts Rector's Delegate for International Relationsinternational@uniss.itMobility and interantional Relations Departmental contact persons Rubrica referenti 2023-2024