Apprenticeship in advanced training and research Working and studying with apprenticeship What is it?The apprenticeship contract is a type of indefinite-term contract designed to provide professional skills to students enrolled in a study program or to young people who have just completed it. The contract allows young workers to develop skills by alternating between study and work. In other words, apprentices can continue studying without giving up their work experience, and vice versa. The training that apprentices acquire through participation in university courses is expanded, deepened, and contextualized in the company through direct experience of organizational, social, and production processes.What is the purpose of the contract?Apprenticeship, through the alternation of work experience and "training" moments, allows young people to obtain a university degree such as a bachelor's degree, master's degree, single-cycle degree, first and second level master's degree, specialization diploma, or further training diploma, research doctorate. It is also possible, for both students and graduates, to activate an apprenticeship contract to carry out research activities aimed at achieving specific objectives agreed upon by the educational institution and the employer.Who can access the apprenticeship contract?The apprenticeship contract is for young people aged between 18 and 29 (and 364 days) and can be entered into by all private sector employers in all sectors of activity. Young people meeting the requirements for enrollment in various study courses of the current educational system can be hired under an apprenticeship contract.How is it activated?To activate an apprenticeship contract, the employer and the educational institution must sign a Training Protocol and define an Individual Training Plan (ITP), which must contain:- Data relating to the company, the apprentice, and the company tutor.- Indication of the academic or advanced training title to be acquired.- Methods of organizing and delivering internal and external training within the company.The ITP will be attached to the employment contract at the time of signing. The contract must include, among other things, the initial and final level of classification of the apprentice and the remuneration. Apprentices are entitled to all the protections (salary, social security, etc.) enjoyed by other employees. The remuneration is determined by collective bargaining, with reference to the normal remuneration of qualified workers at the same level, and it is progressive.How is the training organized?Training is carried out both within the company and externally, at the university. The content and duration of the training are determined in the Individual Training Plan based on the Training Protocol signed between the company and the educational institution.For apprenticeships aimed at obtaining university degrees, external training (at the university) cannot exceed 60% of the hours spent in face-to-face lessons provided in the standard curriculum.For apprenticeships in research activities, external training is not mandatory, while internal training (within the company) must be at least 20% of the annual hourly workload specified in the contract. Training takes place within working hours, as it is an essential component of the apprentice's path. For hours of external training, the employer may decide to deduct the corresponding amount from the apprentice's salary. For hours of internal training, they have the option to recognize 10% of the due remuneration.Internal and external training activities are integrated to achieve the learning outcomes of the standard curriculum.Who are the subjects involved in the training and what are their roles?The young apprentice is supervised by a Training Tutor appointed by the university and a Company Tutor. The Training Tutor, in agreement with the company tutor, develops the Individual Training Plan, ensures monitoring of the apprentice's training progress, and participates in the initial, intermediate, and final assessment. The Company Tutor is responsible for welcoming and integrating the apprentice into the company, managing relationships with external parties involved in the training process, and planning and accompanying the young person's learning and work socialization paths.The characteristics and obligations of the two tutors are defined by collective agreements.How long can it last?The minimum duration of the apprenticeship period is six months, while the maximum duration varies depending on the purpose of the contract and therefore the expected duration of the program. For example, for obtaining a three-year bachelor's degree, the maximum duration will be three years. For students already enrolled in a university program, to establish the duration of the contract, it is necessary to consider the remaining time until the achievement of the degree within the time frame provided by the educational system (no delay).For research apprenticeships, the maximum duration is three years (with the possibility of a one-year extension). Upon obtaining the degree or upon completion of the research project, if the option to terminate is not exercised, the relationship continues as a regular indefinite-term employment relationship.What are the benefits for students/workers?High-level apprenticeships offer young people the opportunity to acquire a university degree or specific professional skills and, at the same time, to enter the job market with a regular employment contract. Workers are assured, albeit with some specificities, the application of benefits (vacation days, thirteenth salary, severance pay, seniority recognition) and social protections (pension coverage, insurance in case of illness and maternity support, family allowances, disability insurance, access to income support schemes, and the new ASpI - Social Insurance for Employment) typical of the protected area of the workforce.By developing professional skills necessary for a specific profession or corporate role and obtaining a high-level degree or gaining research experience, the apprentice accelerates entry into the job market.What are the advantages for companies?Companies can benefit from tax breaks, financial incentives, and, in some regions, economic incentives.For companies with 10 or more employees, a contribution rate of 11.61% is foreseen, while for companies with fewer than 10 employees, the rate is 3.11% in the first year, 4.61% in the second year, and 11.61% for subsequent years (Contributory benefits in the field of social security and welfare are maintained for one year after the continuation of the employment relationship at the end of the apprenticeship period). Furthermore, apprentices are excluded from the calculation of the IRAP taxable base.Additionally, employers have the opportunity to intervene in the choice of the apprentice's training path (where possible), in the selection of a thesis topic, or in identifying a research theme based on their specific needs and skills requirements. They can also incorporate medium-to-high-profile individuals with specialized skills into their staff, contributing to innovation within the company and increasing labor productivity. Companies can select and train young people to invest in the development of innovative ideas and projects.REGULATIONSDecreto Legislativo 15 giugno 2015, n. 81D.M. 12 ottobre 2015Decreto Legislativo 24 settembre 2016, n. 185 Information Brochure Apprendistato di alta formazione e ricerca Operating Guide Anpal Servizi - Guida operativa Naviga la sezione Apprenticeship in advanced training and research Internship and Job Offers Recruiting Events - Job Fairs - Informational Events Find a job Services for companies Convened Entities Documents Format di dossier individuale Format protocollo formativo Università Linee guida per la compilazione del PFI - Titoli di studio universitari Linee guida per la compilazione del PFI - Praticantato Linee guida per la compilazione del PFI - Ricerca