Services to Ph.D. students In this section you will find a lot of important information related to the PhD: requirements and how to complete them, forms, procedures, opportunities.Here you will find out how to apply for a co-supervised thesis, how to manage a concurrent enrolment, how to submit the annual report of activities carried out, how to apply for and use the research budget, how to apply for European certification and many others.You will also find an outline of the procedure for obtaining the degree and the procedure to follow in order to apply for an extension of the deadline for the doctoral thesis.Requests for information concerning all aspects of the Doctorate should always be sent to staff and never to the Protocol Office, to which only official documents and forms should be sent. When documentation is required to be registered with the Protocol Office, this is expressly indicated. How to... Title achievement - Anti-plagiarism Foreign PhD students - FAQ How to request a one-year extension Contacts Dr. Riccardo Nicolò Dr. Michele Dr. Margherita