Life sciences and biotechnologies Introduction Disciplinary area: Life sciences, biotechnologiesDepartment: Biomedical Sciences (Administrative Headquarters), Veterinary Medicine – Medical, Surgical and Experimental SciencesCoordinator: Prof. Daria SannaVenue: : Biomedical Sciences (Administrative Headquarters), Veterinary Medicine – Medical, Surgical and Experimental SciencesType of lessons: frontal and practical lessons Language: Italian - EnglishOVERVIEWBrief description: the PhD Program in Life Sciences and Biotechnologies proposes the general objective of training highly qualified researchers in the following subject areas:- - Biochemistry, Physiology and Molecular Biology - - Microbiology and Immunology - - Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Proteomics - - Evolutionary Biology Educational Teaching goals: The PhD Program in Life Sciences and Biotechnologies aims to be an advanced training center, open to young Italian and foreign graduates, with the following objectives: to offer high scientific qualifications both in the research field basic that applied; develop attitude to national and international scientific cooperation; to stimulate the autonomous research capacity both in terms of scientific understanding and of technological repercussions of the research themes studied. The training course is structured over a three-year period and is characterized by structured training activities and widely interdisciplinary research projects, to encourage interactions and exchanges of knowledge between rapidly growing sectors such as modern biological and biomedical sciences. The Doctorate promotes theoretical-experimental cultural training and multiple interactions with national and international laboratories. The main research areas are: animal biology, molecular bases of physiological and pathological processes, human and veterinary medicine, microbial pathogenicity, infections and autoimmunity, production of food and drugs, development of agriculture and animal husbandry, environmental protection, bioarchaeology. The multidisciplinary preparation in the fields of reference of the PhD program and the acquisition of a solid preparation in the field of molecular and evolutionary biology provides the PhDs with a high degree of flexibility to ensure a profitable placement in different work environments.Expected employment and professional opportunitiesThe multidisciplinary preparation in the areas of reference of the Doctorate and the acquisition of a solid preparation in the field of molecular and evolutionary biology, and in the more particular ones of human and veterinary medicine, in the sectors connected to the production of food and drugs, to the development of agriculture and animal husbandry and the protection of the environment, provides research graduates with a high degree of flexibility to ensure a successful placement in different work environments. In fact, the PhD will find employment opportunities in Universities, Public and Private Research Institutes (CNR, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Science and Technology Park of Sardinia and Istituto Zooprofilattico), Local Authorities and private companies operating in the field of Biotechnologies local and international.The title of Doctor of Research is a preferential title in numerous competitions including Active Training Traineeships, necessary for the achievement of eligibility for teaching in the School. Do not overlook the fact that the technical skills and the familiarity with the scientific English, acquired in the PhD course, offer employment opportunities as an editor in scientific journals.LanguageThe PhD program includes the provision of joint courses and seminars held entirely in English, aimed at improving communication and oral comprehension and the use of scientific English in terms of:i) reading and understanding of scientific texts;ii) writing of scientific texts;iii) oral communication in scientific forums.To these are added the annual presentation activities on the progress of the research lines, in which the PhD students are invited to hold a public discussion in English and a critical analysis on the methodologies and results held by the PhD students in the presence of the other PhD students and teachers. course.All courses are taught with bilingual material - Italian / English - and teachers use both languages during lessons.PhD students can attend the University Linguistic Center for a linguistic study.Laboratories, facilities, libraries, and databasesPhD students will be able to take advantage of chemical and biological hoods, centrifuges,spectrophotometers, spectrofluorimeters, incubators for the growth of microorganisms and animal andplant eukaryotic cells, microtomes and ultramicrotomes, optical microscopes, apparatus for the separationof nucleic acids and proteins, PCR thermocyclers traditional and qPCR; large equipment such as DNAsequencers, mass spectrometer, confocal microscope, flow cytometer; material for capture activities,radio-telemetry, observation; instrumentation for analysis and cartographic realization.The PhD students will also have access to the University library system, which, in addition to theinnumerable amount of paper publications, allows online access to thousands of journals in electronicformat.PhD students have free access to the University Library System, with: 40,500 electronic journals in subscription; 10,000 free on the Web 52 databases and other electronic publications on subscription; 600 free on the Web 14,500 e-books Digital products of the University's scientific research in the Uniss Research institutional archive(10,500 publications including PhD theses) Archivio documenti PhD Life Sciences and Technologies ITA-ENG Piano formativo - Life Sciences Academic board Naviga la sezione Archeology, history and human sciences Architecture and environment Culture, literature, rights, tourism and territory Agritural Sciences Chemical sciences and technologies Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods Medical, Surgical and Experimental Sciences Life sciences and biotechnologies Juridical sciences Veterinary sciences Teaching plan Life Sciences and Biotechnologies_2024-25