Culture, literature, rights, tourism and territory


Disciplinary area: interdisciplinary (humanistic area)
Department: Department of Human and Social Sciences

Coordinator: Prof.ssa Carla Bassu
Language: Italian - English

Brief description: The strengths are on the one hand the adoption of an interdisciplinary perspective based on international comparison, on the other the search for a harmonization between local and global. As for the training activity, the linguistic, literary, arts and visual aspects, the study of the territory and of the landscape will be linked in an anthropic and historical-geographical sense. The objective will be to develop the skills and methodologies of research into cultural activities linked to the territory, also with a view to economic valorisation through tourism experiences and integration of landscape sciences in the choices that determine the development of the territory with a view to safeguarding environmental, artistic and cultural values.

Teaching goals:
The PhD students must:
• develop a theoretical-critical instrumentation adapted to the complex cultural scenario generated by globalization, going back to its cultural and linguistic roots
• critically examine the transnational dynamics of the current knowledge society and at the same time contrast the uncritical homologation of contemporary reality, drawing on the cultural richness of the territory and the memory of the past, also as a function of collaboration with companies and territory
• increase their linguistic, anthropological and literary skills in view of an expansion of research horizons and international mobility
• addressing the linguistic, literary, artistic and geographical fields with a comparatist and interdisciplinary approach, intended in an international and trans-medial sense
• extend the knowledge of the territory in its local specificities in relation with other geographical, national and international realities

Expected employment and professional opportunities

Research doctors in languages and cultures of the modern and contemporary age can aspire to a job placement both in Italy and abroad:
• within the national and international university system in the disciplinary areas related to the doctorate
• at European level within institutions responsible for managing neighborhood policies for the meeting and comparison of different cultures, and for the promotion and promotion of research in this direction
• in bodies and institutions, foundations and NGOs dedicated to the research and enhancement of cultural heritage
• in public and private structures, as cultural managers, able to attract and manage the funding available on regional, national and international projects
• as organizers and curators of cultural events (festivals, exhibitions, conventions and exhibitions)
• as qualified operators in museums and places of culture (both in activity and in the design phase for the definition of contents and operating procedures)
• as communication professionals in publishing, radio and television

The linguistic component has central importance in the profile of the doctorate course. Advanced language courses will be provided to support and supplement the PhD program.

Laboratories, facilities, libraries, and databases


Brief description

Equipment and / or laboratories

Environment Laboratory - Territory, Data Analysis - New Technologies

Digital Library and Philology Laboratory

CURL Laboratory - Art Criticism and Curatorial Practices

Offi_CINE Laboratory - Center of audiovisual production

MUSIC.US Musicology Laboratory

FOIST laboratory for social policies and training processes

LAR Laboratory of Archeology and History of Roman Art

Quality, Environment and Technology Laboratory


consistency in volumes and coverage of the topics of the course

Literature and Languages ​​Library:

112,000 volumes including monographs, periodicals of magazines, audiovisuals, geographical maps and also including:

405 old books

18 manuscripts

about 5,000 monographs collected in a section dedicated to local culture

over 400 subscription periodicals

two collections in microfiche (Bibliotheca Palatina and Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana)il Fondo Autografi degli Autori Sardi 

magazine subscriptions (number, years owned, coverage of course topics)

Over 400 subscription periodicals


Databases (access to the content of magazine sets and / or editorial series)

F.A.S.S. (Fondo Autografi Scrittori Sardi)
The first literary archive in Sardinia, is part of the ministerial project "Literary Archives of the Twentieth Century Italian" aimed at building a network among the main Italian archives of literary modernity. It makes available to scholars (in print and / or in digital format) autographs, correspondence and documents relating to Sardinian writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The university also provides numerous digital databases

Software specifically related to the research sectors envisaged

About 200 multimedia desktops equipped with software for managing linguistic and multimedia teaching networks

Management software

Spaces and resources for doctoral students and for electronic calculation

Equipped doctorate classroom, Videoconferencing and multi-conference equipment;

Plotters and network printers

Zeutschel planetary scanner (OS 12000 HQ) for acquisition of manuscripts.

Treventus robot book scanner

Sharing, management and archiving server

Management software



Education: master's degree

Selection process: Public call with evaluation of qualifications, research project and interview

Language: the knowledge of English language is required for admission to the course.