Juridical sciences Introduction Disciplinary area: Juridical ScienceDepartment: Law (administrative address)Coordinator: Prof. Omar ChessaVenue: Law (administrative address)Type of lessons: frontal and practical lessons Language: Italian – English - SpanishOVERVIEWBrief description: The PhD Course in Juridical Science proposes the general objective of training highly qualified researchers in the following curricula:- Transport and navigation law, business and production systems;- Law and Culture.Teaching goals: The objective pursued by the doctoral course is that of high-level training in the field of law, with specific attention to the two curricula considered, which respond to needs especially felt in the territory in which the doctorate works, but with the intention of constituting a pole of attraction for scholars coming from other national areas and from abroad. The course also provides a strong focus on the interrelation between law and the economic world and the desire to stimulate inter-individual cooperation between researchers, overcoming the individualistic approach that tends to characterize research in the legal field. The PhD program aims to provide the tools necessary for the learning of suitable research methods through the organization of in-depth seminars, conferences and external collaborations. This activity is aimed at the training of scholars who demonstrate the maturity achieved through an original monographic study that provides an appropriate scientific contribution to legal research in the areas of the curricula activated.Expected employment and professional opportunitiesPhDs in Juridical Sciences can aspire to a job placement both in Italy and abroad:• within the national and international university system in the disciplinary areas related to the doctorate• in European institutions and international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, particularly in the field of the unification of law and environmental and cultural law;• in public and private structuresLanguageThis PhD course includes some lesson cycles that are completely held in various European Union languages: English, French and Spanish.The doctorate encourages linguistic deepening with particular reference to the legal language in the various specialized sectors with internal and external resources.Laboratories, facilities, libraries, and databasesEquipment and/or laboratories: The PhD students have, besides the complex of the equipment of the Department of Law of the University of Sassari, instruments acquired specifically for their activity on the PhD funds. During the last year the PC park of the research room dedicated to them was completely renovated, next to the reading rooms of the Olives Library, in the historic building of the University. In particular, seven stations have been set up with computers connected to the network, even with a fast laser printer. One of the stations is also equipped with a scanner for the acquisition of texts with the relative processing software. All computers come with a package for word processing, access to databases and processing. In the same room are also available eight other locations for the use of personal laptops, with the possibility of wi-fi internet and intranet access.Book Collection: The Olives Library, purely juridical, has about 100.00 volumes, 350 active subscriptions to Italian and foreign specialized magazines and 350 extinct and a large section of ancient books (193 five hundred and more than a thousand works before 1830), as well as some donations of considerable value. This library also includes the acquisitions of library materials purchased with the resources of the doctorate for the specific needs of the research topics of the students enrolled in the course. The Pigliaru Library has a total heritage estimated at over 190,000 volumes including monographs and periodicals. All the subject areas covered by the PhD study and research activity are covered. The presence of an efficient interlibrary loan and document delivery service is also available, also available to PhD students, which also allows the acquisition of any material not physically present in the collections of the aforementioned libraries. The patrimony of printed magazines includes all the major national legal journals, available for direct access to the Olives Library from 1951 or the first issue, where published later, as well asavailable on request at the warehouses for previous years. A wide selection of international magazines is also present.E resourcesIn addition to the paper assets referred to in the previous point, they are also available, mainly with access from the home of scholars belonging to the structure (including doctoral students) through proxy servers, through the University library service, the main archives of Italian legal and social sciences journals and international, with coverage of all the thematic areas covered by the course.They are mentioned, ex plurimis, as a non exhaustive example: Ius Explorer (Biblioteca Riviste Giuffrè); vlex; Ingenta; Kluwer; Lexis Nexis Academic; Magazine of Commercial Law; Oxford University Press.The main applicative packages usually used by Juridical Science scholars (mainly word processing and acquisition software, presentations, research spiders) are available to PhD students.In addition to the specific resources mentioned above, the PhD students use the spaces made available to them in the studies of their tutors with the related equipment, as well as the reading rooms of the University libraries.REQUIREMENTSEducation: master's degreeSelection process: Public call with evaluation of qualifications, research project and interviewLanguage: Knowledge of a language chosen among English, French and Spanish Documenti Scheda descrittiva Ph.D Scienze Giuridiche Ph.D Course description Law Piano formativo Scienze Giuridiche Academic Board Naviga la sezione Archeology, history and human sciences Architecture and environment Culture, literature, rights, tourism and territory Agritural Sciences Chemical sciences and technologies Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods Medical, Surgical and Experimental Sciences Life sciences and biotechnologies Juridical sciences Veterinary sciences