Guests Dr. Slaven Stekovic, Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Karl-Franzens-Universität GrazDr. Slaven Stekovic is an entrepreneur and accomplished scientist. He is currently a Venture Partner at Selvedge Ventures in London. Slaven is responsible for building strategic relationships with international stakeholders and providing operational support. His role as President and COO/CSO of MultiOmic Health Ltd involves raising substantial funding, negotiating partnerships and managing intellectual property and scientific operations on three continents. Dr. Stekovic's web page Prof. Juan Antonio Guadix Dominguez, Associate Professor at University of Málaga/IBIMA Plataforma BionandProf Guadix shared with the PhD students his professional experiences regarding cardiac tissue regeneration, analysing stem cell differentiation under different conditions using in vivo and in vitro animal models. The optimisation of in vitro experimental protocols for future in vivo application makes it possible to define the molecular mechanisms involved in cell differentiation as an advanced therapy for various heart diseases and related problems. Prof. Guadix Dominguez's web page Prof. Ibrahim Pirim, İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, TurkeyProf. Pirim shared his knowledge on the evaluation of the HLA system in the immunological response of the patient, looking at different types of rejection. Prof. Pirim's web page Prof. Andrea Danani, Professor in Computational Science, Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence Studies USI-SUPSIProf. Andrea Danani has been sharing his knowledge on Virtual Screening and Drug Design and molecular modelling with our PhD students for years through seminars and lectures. Prof. Danani's web page Prof. Letizia Mazzini, Director of the Regional ALS Expert Centre - Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Maggiore della Carità di Novara, University of Eastern PiedmontShe is a member of the European Study Committee for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and the Motor Neurone Disease Study Group of the World Federation of Neurology and the Italian Society of Neurology. Prof. Mazzini's web page Dr. Daniela Ferrari, Researcher in Applied Biology, Department of Biotechnology and Biosciences, University of Milano-BicoccaHer research activity focuses on the characterisation of neural stem cells and their potential applications in neurodegenerative diseases. Dr. Ferrari's web page Prof. Evzen Amler, Head of the Department of Biophysics, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Praga, CEO, Student Science S.R.O, UCEEB; Head of the Nanomaterials and Biotechnology research department and team, Czech Technical UniversityProf Amler has been working for years on functionalised nanofibre systems and nanodevices for "drug delivery" aimed at tissue regeneration. Prof. Amler's web page Prof. Claudio Grassi, Full Professor of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine ‘A. Gemelli’, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, RomeProf. Grassi's scientific interests cover the following topics: mechanisms regulating brain plasticity and neuronal excitability under physiological conditions and in experimental models of neuropsychiatric diseases. Prof. Grassi's web page Prof. Alexandra Buha Dordevic, University of Belgrade, SerbiaProf. Buha Dordevic from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Serbia has been collaborating with the University of Sassari and our PhD School for many years. She has also held seminars and lectures at our University for PhD School students on the relationship between heavy metals and cancer and their implications for health and the environment. Web page of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Belgrade Prof. Pinar Uysal Onganer, Westminster University, London, United KingdomThere is a long, more than ten-year collaboration between the two universities in the fields of both teaching and research. Master's and PhD degrees are other highly developed fields. Seminars and conferences are organised between the PhD Schools of the two universities. University of Westminster website Naviga la sezione PhD Programme Coordinator Events Guests Partner Universities News from the PhD Course