Admission to the PhD programme In order to be admitted to the PhD course, it is necessary to pass the admission competition.To be admitted to the PhD course it is necessary to be in possession of a specialised or magistral degree (awarded in accordance with DD.MM. 3 November 1999 no. 509 and 22 October 2004 no. 270), a degree awarded in accordance with the old system (prior to Ministerial Decree no. 509 of 3 November 1999), or another comparable or equivalent degree awarded abroad.Those who are not yet in possession of the qualification on the date of expiry of the notice of competition and who will obtain it by 31 October of the same year may be admitted to the competition on a conditional basis.All candidates must submit, at the time of registration for the competition, a research project on the topics indicated for the positions for which they are applying, under penalty of exclusion.Once enrolled, each PhD student is assigned one or more supervisors, who will accompany them in their research activities throughout their PhD studies.To find out how admission to the PhD programme works in detail, you can consult the old competition calls in the Archive section. Naviga la sezione PNRR - Dottorati PhD Courses Admission to the PhD programme The Ph.D. School Educational and training activities Services to Ph.D. students Recognition of a foreign Doctoral degree Previous Calls News ed Events Partnerships and funding