Courses with locally regulated enrollment slots 2023/2024 Degree ClassName of the Degree CourseCallSelection TypeEnrollment in the competitionL-2Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Analysisgo to the callVoto diplomaExpired RegistrationsL-4Designgo to the callProva praticaColloquioExpired RegistrationsL-8Computer Engineering - 1st Call - Closed Proceduresgo to the callTOLC-IExpired RegistrationsL-8Computer Engineering - 2nd Call - Reopening of the Announcementgo to the callTOLC-IUniss e CisiaL-9Industrial Engineeringgo to the callTOLC-IExpired RegistrationsL-13Biological Sciencesgo to the callVoto diplomaExpired RegistrationsL-19Educational Sciencesgo to the callTOLC-SUExpired RegistrationsL-22Human Movement Sciences, Sports, and Well-beinggo to the callTOLC-FExpired RegistrationsL-24Psychological Sciences and Techniques of Cognitive Processesgo to the callTOLC-PSIExpired RegistrationsL-39Social Workgo to the callTOLC-SUExpired RegistrationsLM-13Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology - 1st Call - Closed Proceduresgo to the callTOLC-FExpired RegistrationsLM-13Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology - 2nd Call - Reopening of the Announcementgo to the callTOLC-FUniss e CisiaLM-13Pharmacy - 1st Call - Closed Proceduresgo to the callTOLC-FExpired RegistrationsLM-13Pharmacy - 2nd Call - Reopening of the Announcementgo to the callTOLC-FUniss e Cisia Master's Degree Program Degree ClassName of the Master's Degree ProgramCallSelection TypeEnrollment in the competitionLM-4Architecture - 1st CALL - CLOSED PROCEDURESGo to the callCandidate profile evaluationInterviewExpired RegistrationsLM-4Architecture - 2nd CALL - REOPENING OF ANNOUNCEMENTGo to the callCandidate profile evaluationInterviewOnly UnissLM-48Urban and Environmental Planning and PoliciesReserved for non-EU citizens residing abroadGo to the callCandidate profile evaluationInterviewExpired RegistrationsLM-48Urban and Environmental Planning and Policies - 1st CALL - CLOSED PROCEDURESReserved for EU and non-EU citizens under art. 26 of Law 189/2002Go to the callCandidate profile evaluationInterviewExpired RegistrationsLM-48Urban and Environmental Planning and Policies - 2nd CALL - REOPENING OF ANNOUNCEMENTReserved for EU and non-EU citizens under art. 26 of Law 189/2002Go to the callCandidate profile evaluationInterviewOnly UnissLM-70Quality and Safety of Food ProductsGo to the call1. Multiple choice testExpired Registrations Naviga la sezione Courses with nationally regulated enrollment slots 2023/2024 Single courses for bachelor's degrees with nationally regulated enrollment for the academic year 2022/2023 Locally regulated enrollment courses 2023/2024 Admission to subsequent years 2023/2024 Contacts Rossella Castellaccio 079 228985 Giovanni Battista Sechi 079229931 Ufficio segreterie studenti e offerta formativavia del fiore bianco, 507100 SASSARI Ufficio segreterie studenti e offerta formativaVIA MACAO, 3207100 SASSARI