Admission to subsequent years 2023/2024

Enrollment in subsequent years after the first, for each course and for each year of study, is possible only if there are available slots in relation to those programmed.

The available slots in subsequent years after the first, for each course and for each year of study, are those freed up due to study withdrawals, transfers to other universities, or transfers to other courses of study for the academic year 2023/2024.

To be admitted, it is necessary to participate in the competition procedure described in the announcements published on this page. Each degree program, master's degree program, and single-cycle master's degree program with regulated access, whether local or national, autonomously regulates the requirements and priorities for accessing subsequent years of the course.

To find out about availability and conditions, please consult the announcement related to the course of your interest.

Interested parties are informed that the admission announcements for subsequent years after the first are currently being prepared, particularly regarding the calculation of available slots for various courses of study and for various years of study.

Only once the possible availability of slots has been determined will the announcements be issued and immediately published on the website page.

Announcements for locally regulated enrollment courses