Call for Interdisciplinary Research Projects - DM 737/2021 resources 2021 - 2022 (R.D. 688/2023)

The Call for Proposals consists of funding for departmental research projects that explore, with an interdisciplinary approach, topics of cross-cutting relevance to the NRP identified and described in the programmatic report submitted by the University and approved by the MUR.

The projects must be of relevant scientific interest with interdisciplinary characteristics capable of advancing the current state of the art.

The financial resources earmarked for funding departmental research projects are €1,074,467.49. Attachment A of the Call for Proposals shows the research theme and the relevant budget for each Department.

Each Department may submit from a minimum of one to a maximum of three research projects taking into account the allocated budget and research theme reported in Annex A.

The projects, coordinated by a Scientific Contact Person, have a maximum duration of two years from the start date set in the decree of approval acts and must be completed by April 30, 2025. 

The projects must be submitted by the Departments, after their evaluation according to the methods and rules they deem suitable, set out in the excerpt of the resolution of the Departmental Council, in compliance with the characteristics stipulated in Article 2 of the Call for Proposals.

The projects must be submitted using the facsimile attached to the Call for Proposals (Annex B), in compliance with the instructions contained in the technical notes for submission attached to the Call for Proposals (Annex C), signed by the Scientific Referees and the Directors of the Departments and transmitted, together with the extract of the Departmental Council resolution, to the Research and Quality Office via PEC ( within 30 days of the publication of the Call for Proposals (Deadline 06/04/2023).

Considering that projects must comply with the principle of "Do No Significant Harm" (DNSH), according to which no funded initiative must harm environmental objectives, consistent with Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, each project must be accompanied by an appropriate "Declaration in lieu of affidavit attesting compliance with the DNSH principle," signed by the Scientific Contact, prepared using the facsimile attached to the Call for Proposals (Annex D).