Woman of Science Award 2024 12 June 2024 The ScienzaSocietàScienza Association promotes activities aimed at spreading scientific culture and considers the relationship between women and science one of the important themes to pursue. Even today, in fact, gender equality, despite the goals achieved in recent years at a local, national and international level, even within the scientific community, remains strongly conditioned by stereotypes and women continue to be marginalized in research, publications science, and in various other fields. In this context, the Association announces the sixth edition of the Woman of Science Award in Sardinia for the year 2024. The award is organized in collaboration with the Cagliari branch of the Cnr Neuroscience Institute, the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari, the INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Cagliari, the Cagliari section of the Infn, the Department of Equal opportunities in the municipality of Cagliari. The award intends to offer recognition to female figures who have contributed to giving prestige and advancement to Sardinia in the scientific field.For information: Woman of Science Award Premiodonnascienza@scienzasocietascienza.it Applications must be received by 1pm on 15 July 2024 by email to: Premiodonnascienza@scienzasocietascienza.it indicating in the subject "Woman of Science Award - Name and Surname of the candidate".