Tumors, prevent with nutrition and lifestyle

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SASSARI. The University of Sassari will host a meeting between researchers in Medicine, Veterinary, Agriculture and Chemistry on Thursday 11 April at 3.00 pm, in the main hall of the Department of Agriculture (viale Italia 39), with researchers from the National Institute of Tumors of Milan, entitled “Diet, lifestyle and risk of tumors: prevention with…style”. We will talk about the YouGoody project, a cohort study that aims to recruit at least 100 thousand Italians with the aim of investigating the relationship between diet, lifestyle and the risk of tumors and other chronic-degenerative diseases. In the afternoon there will be a seminar open to doctoral students, male and female students and the interested public, in which we will talk about the first hypotheses on the relationship between nutrition and cancer, and then talk about the birth of the first cohort studies and how they contributed to the development of guidelines on cancer prevention. The most recent report published by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) will also be presented and commented on the relationship between diet, physical activity, anthropometry and tumor risk. The works, coordinated by Giuseppe Pulina, vice-rector for Research of the University, will be opened by institutional greetings from the Magnificent Rector, Gavino Mariotti, from the Director of the Department of Agriculture, Ignazio Floris, from the Director of the Doctoral School, Eugenio Garribba and from the Coordinator of Doctorate course in Agricultural Sciences, Severino Zara. The program includes interventions by Claudia Agnoli, Valeria Pala and Sabina Sieri of the National Cancer Institute, followed by the conclusions of Antonio Cossu, professor of the Department of Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacy. Training credits will be awarded for students and doctoral candidates upon request to the Degree Course Presidents and the Doctoral Course Coordinators.