Portrait of the nine Sardinians killed at the Fosse Ardeatine 20 November 2024 The international conference “We remember. The Sardinians massacred at the Ardeatine pits. History and memories eighty years after the massacre (24 March 1944).On the eightieth anniversary of the Fosse Ardeatine massacre, Ammentos.Archivio Memorialistico della Sardinia wants to contribute to remembering the nine Sardinians who were among the 335 martyrs (civilians, soldiers, partisans, Jews) murdered by the Nazi-fascists on 24 March 1944, to pass on memory to the new generations.As is the founding purpose of Ammentos, the project is to reconstruct, against the background of Macrohistory, the microhistory of each of them, that is to restore value to the life and death of Agostino Napoleone of Carloforte, Candido Manca of Dolianova, Antonio Ignazio Piras of Lotzorai, Giuseppe Medas of Narbolia, Gavino de Lunas of Padria, Gerardo Sergi of Portoscuso, Pasqualino Cocco of Sedilo, Salvatore (Rino) Canalis of Tula, Sisinnio Mocci of Villacidro.The international conference, the only public event scheduled so far in Sardinia on the occasion of this anniversary, is organized with the participation of the University of Sassari as part of the Third Mission activities, the Jewish Community of Rome, the Parri Institute, Istasac of Nuoro, of the Mons. G. Pinna Foundation, of the municipal administration of Ittireddu, the patronage of the Municipality of Sassari, and the support of the Sardinia Foundation.The conference, divided into three sessions, will begin in Ittireddu (SS) - home of the Ammentos Memorial Archive of Sardinia - on Thursday 21 November at 3.00 pm in the council room in via San Giacomo 3 and will continue on 22 November starting from 10.00 am at the Department of History Human Sciences and Education of the University of Sassari, which will also host a thematic exhibition by the artist of the Jewish Community Georges de Canino, and Tracce, a theatrical show by the Theater en vol Company (full programme: https://www.uniss.it/it/eventi/noi-ricordiamo-i-sardi-trucidati-alle-fosse-ardeatine)During the conference the volume entitled I Sardi massacred at the Fosse Ardeatine will be presented. History and memories eighty years after the massacre (24 March 1944). Catalog of the works of Georges de Canino, with paintings by Armando Severini, Giovanna Canalis and Luigi Castellani, edited by Gavina Cherchi and Martino Contu, for Edizioni Ammentos of Ittireddu.The catalog of de Canino, an Italian-French-Tunisian artist and a leading exponent of the Jewish Community of Rome, includes works that portray the Ardeatine martyrs, but above all the nine Sardinians, to whom de Canino dedicated much of his artistic life. Participation in the conference will be valid as orientation for teachers and training for students and will be attested with certification.