Gianluca Zanda's graduation, a pride for the entire University of Sassari

Gianluca Zanda_Università di Sassari

Sometimes the good news makes more noise than the bad news. It's rare, but it happens. This is the case of the degree obtained a few days ago by Gianluca Zanda, who discussed a thesis at the University of Sassari entitled "Production of milk in summer with seasonally adjusted sheep in the F.lli Zanda company of Villamassargia" (supervisor Prof. Antonello Cannas ). Despite being affected by Pkan syndrome - a rare neurodegenerative disease that has taken away his ability to speak - the new doctor from Desulo graduated in Agro-zootechnical Sciences with 110 cum laude, "borrowing" the voice of his cousin Francesca Lai. Gianluca, who is 23 years old and enrolled at the University of Sassari in the 2020/2021 academic year, agreed to answer some questions about his great success which is a source of pride for the entire University.

How has your study method changed after your diagnosis?

The disease started in 2019 with hand movements, so I couldn't write. When I was in high school I took my notes in class, I looked at them at home and I managed to get by with excellent grades. Once the illness took over, everything became a little more difficult because for a university student it is essential to take notes. So I recorded the lessons and transcribed them on the computer, but there was a new obstacle: I can't study from computer writing because I have a photographic memory. At this point my mother helped me through her writing. In May 2022 I completely lose the use of the word and that too was a hard blow; however I overcame even this by repeating all the concepts in my head. In the third year, between various visits, I was unable to attend, then in the fourth year (i.e. this year) I also learned with great difficulty to have a photographic memory relationship with computer writing. Luckily it was all downhill from there.

Why did you choose your cousin as your alter ego?

I chose her because we are very close and have a beautiful mutual friendship, but also and above all because she is a person who believes in me a lot and I appreciate this very much. The other people who stood by me on this journey were, in addition to my relatives, friends, who understood my state of health and helped me even in times when I thought I couldn't make it.

Did the professors and staff of the University of Sassari support you along the way? Yes, impeccably. I had a really good time.

To whom do you dedicate your thesis?

To myself and above all to my illness.

In previous interviews you stated that you didn't want to be overwhelmed by the disease, can we say that you succeeded brilliantly?

Yes, we can say that. Then I have a peculiarity: if I want to achieve something I don't give up until I achieve it. Now my next goal is a master's degree. In the future I could be a teacher in schools or, why not, at the University, if I recover completely.

Do you have faith in scientific research?

I have a lot of faith in scientific research and I hope they find a cure immediately. I hope that with this media chaos something will move.

Valentina Guido