“Cross-border community of practice for innovation in agriculture and the ecological and digital transition – INN-Pratica” 17 May 2024 On May 24, starting at 9.00 am, the main hall of the Department of Agriculture will host the launch event of the project "Cross-border community of practice for innovation in agriculture and the ecological and digital transition - INN-Pratica" funded under the INTERREG Maritime Italy-France Programme.The project lasts two years, involves eight partners and the University of Sassari is the leader through the coordination of prof. Fabio Madau of the Department of Agriculture. The partnership is composed by region of reference and by type and is made up of LAORE (Sardinia), Region of Tuscany, Region of Liguria, Italian Confederation of Tuscan Agriculture, DAFNE Società Cooperativa Impresa Sociale (Liguria), ODARC (Corsica) and Chamber of Commerce for 'Marseille Italy.The main objective is to enhance innovations in agriculture and rural territories through the creation of so-called cross-border communities of practice between agricultural companies aimed at improving environmental, social and economic sustainability. After an initial phase of mapping the innovations introduced in the regions concerned and identifying the guidelines for cross-border diffusion, the project envisages the development of a series of exchanges between promoters of good practices around the theme of innovation, creating these communities of practice aimed at encouraging individual innovations on a cross-border basis. Above all, these are innovations that allow rational management of natural resources, increase company productivity, improve the management of company impacts on subjects internal and external to companies and, finally, can allow valorisation, also from a tourism perspective, of production agri-food and the territories in which the companies are located. Inn-Pratica KickOffMeetingLocandina.pdf Kick off meeting's video