ECHE & EPS and Agreements

The European Commission's EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) has awarded the University of Sassari the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), valid for the period 2021-27.

The ECHE is issued to Higher Education Institutions following the evaluation of the applications submitted by the universities and is indispensable in order to have access to the Actions and funding provided within the Erasmus+ Programme.

By signing the ECHE, the University of Sassari commits to:

  • Comply with and implement the principles of non-discrimination, transparency and inclusion provided for by the Erasmus programme;
  • Secure equal opportunities to participants from all backgrounds, with particular attention to those with fewer opportunities;
  • Guarantee the full and automatic recognition (through the use of the ECTS system) of the learning outcomes achieved at the end of the study/internship periods abroad, also in the context of blended mobility ensure the quality of mobility actions and cooperation projects in the various phases of their design and implementation;
  • Do not require the payment of university fees on incoming students in the context of credit mobility, for enrolment, examinations, access to laboratories and libraries.

Through the ECHE, UNISS is also committed to developing the priorities of the Programme:

  • to carry on and complete, according to European deadlines and directives, the digital management of international mobility, by joining the Student Card Initiative and the Erasmus Without Paper network and by promoting the use of the Erasmus App; 
  • to promote environmentally friendly practices, within the actions envisaged by the Erasmus Programme; 
  • to encourage the participation in the programme by individuals with fewer opportunities; 
  • to support the civic commitment and active citizenship of participants in mobility and cooperation projects.