Multimedia language laboratories The Language Center is equipped with 12 multimedia laboratories, 5 of which are located at the main office on M. Zanfarino Street, 53, and the others located at the following University facilities:- Medicine and Surgery Teaching Center (Viale San Pietro, 43)- Law Teaching Center “Quadrilateral” (Mancini Avenue, 1);- Department of Chemical, Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences (Vienna Street, 2)- Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (via Roma, 151)- Department of History, Humanities and Education (via M. Zanfarino, 62)- Department of Agriculture (via De Nicola)- Botanical Garden (via Piandanna)The labs are reserved for teaching activities led by language collaborators, equipped with an interactive audio-video-informatics system between lecturer and student. Both the lecturer and the student station are equipped with PCs connected to each other and capable of dialogue. Naviga la sezione Multimedia language laboratories Publications and multimedia materials