Chemistry and Pharmacy Collection

Department of Chemical, Physical, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences

Collezione di Chimica e Farmacia

The collection gathers sets of equipment dating back to the 1960s and pharmaceutical-chemical-toxicological preparations.

The tradition of chemistry studies is linked to the teaching of medical subjects as a basic preparation.

Already from the second half of the 18th century in Sardinia, there was an intervention in the pharmaceutical field (somewhat intermediate between chemistry and botany) with practical objectives aimed at rationalizing public health and the use of drugs. This culminated in the work "Pharmacopea Sardoa" by proto-medical Giuseppe Giacomo Paglietti, published in Cagliari in 1773.

The chair of chemistry was established at the University of Sassari in 1826, envisioning provisions for laboratories located between the university building and the city walls.

In 1934, the Faculty of Pharmacy was established, housed in the historic building on Via Muroni: chemical subjects were directly functional to the study of drugs. In 1971, following the development of the petrochemical industry in the Porto Torres hub, the Chemistry degree program was created at the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical, and Natural Sciences.

The chemical collections now part of the museum largely come from the Faculty of Pharmacy, especially from the Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Toxicology, a key structure of the Faculty. This institute incorporated the chairs of General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, along with sets of equipment dating back to the 1960s and pharmaceutical-chemical-toxicological preparations.