Turritana Goliardic Association President: Andrea LubranoSecretary: Claudia ProvenzanoMembers: Tesserati più di 2000, ma sui 40/69 attivi The AGT, Turritana Goliardic Association, was founded in 1984 from the ashes of the precursor Turritana University Association (ATU), taking on the weight and honor of the almost century-old Sardinian goliardic tradition.Also known as Sovranus Ordo Gaudentis Favae, it represents one of the most well-known goliardic orders in Italy. It welcomes students from all courses of study and its mission is "to make university life unforgettable for students through intelligent, university-oriented fun, inspired by the three good vices of life: Bacchus, Tobacco, and Venus".The AGT finds its greatest expression and fulfillment in two events: the Descent of the Carruzzi and the Liberatio Scholarum, two unique initiatives that only the Turritana Goliardic Association allows to experience. The association is indeed one of the goliardic realities in Italy still recognized at the university, city, and institutional levels.Among its other main activities, noteworthy are: the Regata delle Vasche da Bagno (Bathtub Regatta), the Goliardic Carnival parties, participation with a Papal allocution at the inauguration ceremony of the academic year, and collaboration with the Forum of Associations in the organization of many other events under the "Universitari in Piazza" initiative. Naviga la sezione Arkimastria (Student Association of Architecture, Planning, and Design) Alpha Helix Medicine Association Alpha Helix Association Association of Popular Catholics Associazione Cultivarnova Association ELSA Sassari - The European Law Students EUREKA Association Erasmuss Association - ESN - Sassari Ozierese Goliardic Association Turritana Goliardic Association IVSA Sassari Association Italian Association of Dental Students - AISO Sassari Association for Humanities and Social Sciences - APUS Radio Uni Sassari Association SISM Sassari Association Association of Political Science - A.S.P Quadrifoglio Student Association University Student Association of Sciences - ASUS William Congdon Student Association Association of Agricultural Students - ASA Association of Economics Students TVEA Association Associazione Tiria Union of University Students Association Vetera Lucent Association Contacts dim.matteo@gmail.com